Chapter Twelve

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Fallensky's POV.

It was very late. Juniperbrush, Frostedwing and I were attending to our vigil.

It felt like moons since the patrol going to the Gathering left and they should be back soon. Maybe they had lots to share. I thought.

All I knew now was that it was freezing. I huddled close to Frostedwing and Juniperbrush to try and keep warm.

Juniperbrush flashed me a look that said "We're warriors, not kits!" And I returned the stern look.

Why does Juniperbrush have to be such an annoying fur-ball? I narrowed my eyes at him. He just let out a huff.

Ignoring him I stared off into the distance. I saw shapes appear, and just assumed it was the Gathering patrol coming back.

Their scent hit me and Batstar politely dipped her head to us as she passed into camp.

I shifted my gaze up at the moon. It was beautiful, I sighed. Were my ancestors watching me?

I hoped StarClan was always watching over StormClan, it seemed like we needed the most protection right now..

I blinked. I should be focusing on keeping guard. But there was absolutely nothing anywhere to be seen.

Then, out of nowhere, clouds covered the moon. I then felt something on my pelt. It's snowing!

I looked to Juniperbrush who rolled his eyes, then to Frostedwing who looked amazed.

I lifted my head, white crystal-like snowflakes fell softly from the sky, covering everything quickly.

I looked to my paws, the snowflakes danced all around them, landing on my fur. I shivered.

I lowered my head. How much longer till dawn... I then closed my eyes. In those few seconds, white flashed around and snow danced in the air.

I opened my eyes and noticed that my siblings weren't beside me. I was in a vision.

Then, I heard three tiny mews and a large yowl behind me. I turned to see a beautiful ginger she-cat with three kits at her belly covered in snow.

I rushed to them but every time I tried to get closer, they always seemed further and further away.

"Help us! Please!" The she-cat's ghostly voice pleaded to him. I picked up my pace.

"I'm coming! I'm coming to save you!" I called to her. All I saw was a deep look of worry plastered on her face as I tried to reach her.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side. Everything went black, then I opened my eyes and only saw snow covering my paws. It was just barely dawn.

I looked to my side, Juniperbrush had poked me with his claw. I scowled at him, he returned the look.

Then, as the sky grew paler with dawn, I scented Skywing's scent along the breeze.

The snowy-white warrior padded up to us from out of the camp entrance. "Well done you three. Your vigil is over. Your nests are already made in the warrior's den, you may go now." Skywing mewed.

I dipped my head to my father. "Thank you."

Skywing's eyes glowed with pride. "I'm very proud of all four of you. Well done." Skywing remembered to add Streampaw in there too.

I nodded and the three of us padded silently back into camp and to the warrior's den where we slunk down and slept the rest of the morning away.

"Brr! It's so cold out there!" I woke to Frostedwing's comment. She shook her pelt and snowflakes scattered off of her as she went to lay in her nest.

I opened my eyes and glared at her, she didn't notice. Ignoring her, I got up and stretched. I had had a wonderful sleep.

I yawned. It seems to be getting colder and colder out.. Leaf-bare always promised whitecough, and if not treated right away, could spread to greencough, and that's the killer.

I silently prayed to StarClan that there would be no deaths this Leaf-bare. StormClan had to be strong.

I stepped out of the warrior's den and out to what looked beautiful. There was snow everywhere, and gentle flakes falling down here and there.

I arrived out of the den in time because I saw Batstar hop up onto the Greatledge and summon the Clan with her call.

It looked as the whole Clan were here this time, that usually meant something important.

Streampaw padded up to me and rested her tail gently on my back. "Congratulations! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say it last night, Meadowheart had me sorting through herbs forever! I felt like my paws would fall off."

I laughed. "That's okay, Streampaw. And thank you!" I replied. Streampaw nodded curtly, and rushed off quickly to Meadowheart under the Greatledge.

Once the Clan settled, Batstar spoke. "There was loads of news at the Gathering this moon. Mallowheart and Stoneskip of ThunderClan have retired." Batstar addressed, with a dip of her head to Sweetwish.

"Leaf-bare is obviously here, but this time we are heading in strong. Our medicine cats have plenty of herbs to help sickness and as for prey, I'm sure we will manage." Batstar continued, her voice sounded slightly raspy.

"Last Gathering we discussed StarClan's Coming, the meeting will take place on the new moon as usual. Every cat will go except Winnie and Sweetwish. Let StarClan watch over our camp." Batstar said.

"I will set out a few patrols to go and see what we can find to decorate our camp. Moonwish, you can lead one. Take Ivypaw, Skywing and Rosepaw. Brambleheart, you're to lead another. Take Juniperbrush and Fallensky." Batstar finished.

She jumped down. "Meeting dismissed." Moonwish and Brambleheart beckoned their cats together. I went with Brambleheart and we set off. I wonder what we'll find..

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