Chapter Ten

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Fallenpaw's POV.

It was the day of my assessment. I was eating prey with Juniperpaw and Frostedpaw when Batstar approached us.

"Are you three ready?" She asked. We looked to each other, then to Batstar, then to each other again and slowly nodded.

"I'm glad. Finish up here while I speak to your mentors, then we will begin." Batstar explained. She then padded away.

"I'm so nervous!" Exclaimed Frostedpaw. I nodded. "This assessment will determine whether or not we're going to be warriors or not."

"Stop freaking me out, Frostedpaw!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Frostedpaw turned to Juniperpaw, who was silently finishing his mouse. "You don't seem nervous at all, Juniperpaw."

"I'm not." He spoke quietly.

Frostedpaw nodded. "I really hope we will go to the Gathering tonight, although I kind of doubt it, since we will be tired."

"I would think maybe, I'm sure the assessment won't take up the entire day." Juniperpaw commented.

I nodded in agreement. "Maybe-" I was then cut off by Batstar calling to us.

I got up, followed by Frostedpaw and Juniperpaw and we walked silently over to Batstar, Brambleheart, Moonwish and Oakleaf.

"Now. How an assessment will go down is we will first start will hunting. You are each to be expected to catch no less than three pieces of prey and no more than four, you will each be given places to hunt aswell." Batstar explained.

Please don't assign me to hunt near the Thunderpath..

Brambleheart stepped forward. "Frostedpaw you will hunt by Mothermouth, Juniperpaw, by Big Rocks and Fallenpaw by the ShadowClan border."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Okay."

"Let's go." Batstar led the way out of camp.

She then flicked her tail, indicating for us to go. I rushed away with Moonwish streaming not far behind.

I then quickly dove into a bush. I lifted my nose to the sky and took in a long, deep breath.

I quickly scented a moor rabbit and I dropped into a crouch. I carefully poked my nose out of the bush to see if I could spot it.

I saw that it was nibbling on a large stalk of grass a fox-length ahead of me. I checked my wind and crept out of the bush.

I then rose up all of my strength in my hind legs and pounced on this rabbit and bit it hard in the neck.

It was heavy as I carried it back to my bush and lightly buried it. I then decided to look around for more prey.

I hope Moonwish thinks I'm doing well. I just hope she doesn't pity me.

I sniffed around and scented quickly a mouse. It was scuffling around in the heathery bushes in search of food I guessed.

I checked my wind. Upwind, shoot. I quickly dropped into a crouch and circled around my prey until I was downwind.

I crept slowly and calmly toward the mouse and pounced on it, killing it with a claw to the neck.

I picked up the still-warm mouse and ran back to the bush and lightly buried it.

I wonder how Juniperpaw and Frostedpaw are doing.

I shook my head. Focus, Fallenpaw!

I sniffed around again, I scented nothing but heather and ShadowClan scent.

Then, a caw came from above me. A large crow was circling the bush where my prey was.

There is no way I'm letting that stupid bird steal my prey!

I dove quickly out of sight of the crow. When it goes for my prey, I'll pounce on it and kill it.

The crow kept circling and circling until it dove down suddenly and made and effort to try and take my mouse.

That's when I sprung. My paws slammed down on the crow's head, killing it instantly.

Triumphantly I picked up the crow and brought it to the bush. Then, Moonwish hopped down from a tall tree, startling me.

"Oh wow, Moonwish, I didn't even scent you!" I exclaimed.

Moonwish just nodded. "You did well. Come, let's go to Batstar."

I picked up my rabbit, Moonwish carried my mouse and crow, and we padded onward to Batstar.

Once we finally saw Batstar, it seemed that Juniperpaw was already there along with Oakleaf. He had a small mouse, a thrush and a blue jay.

We ran to him and dropped out prey. "Any sign of Frostedpaw?" I asked when I reached Batstar.

"I just got back from assessing her, she's almost done." Batstar responded.

I flopped down on my side. "I'm tired! I had to jump really high to catch this crow."

Batstar laughed. "Well I hope you have enough energy to finish your assessment!"

I sighed. "Hopefully." A few heartbeats later I saw Frostedpaw and Brambleheart run up to us.

Frostedpaw was carrying two mice and Brambleheart was carrying a finch and a thrush.

"Wow. Who knew we'd catch so much prey so close to Leaf-bare. You all did extraordinary." Batstar commented.

I nodded. "Thank you, Batstar."

"Now that you three are finished, you may take your prey back to camp and then you will meet me at Big Rocks." Batstar explained.

We all picked up our prey with the help of our mentors and we took it back to camp and set it on the fresh-kill pile.

"I wonder what my warrior name will be," Frostedpaw said as we exited camp once more.

"I haven't really given it a thought, I guess." I said. Surely it's important, just not exactly my main concern right now.

Juniperpaw, Frostedpaw and I finally met up with Batstar at Big Rocks. Batstar explained how the fighting assessment would work, we would each fight with our mentors and we were allowed to use our claws.

"The safe word is mouse, say mouse if you are being too hurt, which should not happen. Your goal is to beat your mentor, not kill them, and vise-versa."
Batstar said. She then gave us the okay to start fighting.

I circled around Moonwish, she copied me. Moonwish then pounced on me but she left her belly exposed while leaping, and I raked her belly with my claws.

Moonwish angrily grunted as she toppled over. I ducked to avoid her. I then ran full speed at her and held her to the ground with my paw on her neck.

Moonwish raked her hind claws into my belly. I winced.

I see she doesn't pity me anymore. I clawed her ear. Good.

Moonwish then brought me up and held me to the ground, I slashed at her sides really hard in effort to disarm her, and it worked, she slid off of me.

"I give up," she panted. "You win."

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