Chapter Nine

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Juniperpaw's POV.

It was the next day, I was finally allowed out of my den. I had my plans to completely avoid Streampaw at all causes.

I got up and went straight to the fresh-kill pile, keeping my eye on the medicine cats den to avoid any movement.

I picked a thrush from the small pile and took it to the outside of my den and started to eat.

As I plucked the feathers from the thrush I felt a presence behind me. I spun around to see Winnie.

"Oh! Winnie, you startled me." I got up.

"Sorry, Juniperpaw, I just wanted to talk to Batstar, do you know where she is? She isn't in her den." Winnie finished.

I shrugged. "Dunno." I wouldn't know, I haven't seen her since yesterday morning!

"Okay, thanks anyway." Winnie padded back to her den.

I then spotted Sweetwish come out with her four kits bouncing around her.

"I wanna play with Juniperpaw!" squeaked the little brown she-kit called Cinnamonkit.

I got up and buried my bones. "Go ask him to play with you then." Sweetwish nosed her away with her tail, she also nosed away Batkit, Frogkit and Quartzkit too.

"Juniperpaw! Juniperpaw! Would you please play moss-ball with us?" Cinnamonkit begged.

I let out a purr of happiness. "Sure little ones, I'll fetch some moss." I turned away and padded into my den and scooped some moss out of my nest.

When I stepped out again I finally noticed how cold it was. I shivered against the wind.

I went up to the kits again and threw the moss to Quartzkit. He caught it and tossed it to Batkit who then threw it to me.

I caught it and flung it to Cinnamonkit but I threw it a little to high and she fell over, while still catching it.

"Oh Cinnamonkit!" I rushed to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm all good! I caught the moss," she stated.

I let out a mrrow of amusement and her siblings laughed. "Can you teach us fighting moves?" it was Batkit who squeaked that.

I nodded. "Sure! You'll all be great warriors in no time." I told them, their eyes shone with determination.

"So this is the battle crouch, normally you would do this before you attack." I explained as I dropped into the crouch.

Cinnamonkit, Quartzkit and Batkit all tried it but Frogkit didn't. Instead she stood there staring at her paws.

"What's wrong, Frogkit?" I asked, getting up from my crouch.

"I-I wish Marigoldkit were here to try too.." the small kit stuttered.

"I understand, Frogkit, but I'm sure Marigoldkit is watching from StarClan and learning from them." I gently explained.

Frogkit nodded slowly. "I just miss her so much.." Frogkit sat down. "She didn't deserve her death.."

"Oh Frogkit, no one deserves death. No matter how annoying they could be." I comforted her. "Now why dont you four run off and play with Winnie's pups?"

The three other kits had been listening to Frogkit and mine's conversation. The four nodded and scurried off.

Tomorrow another Gathering will come. I thought, then I gulped. My assessment will be the same day!

"I should probably train.." I muttered to myself out loud.

"May I join?" It was Ivypaw. "I could maybe help you."

I turned to her. I looked her up and down. "Fine." I spun around and walked to Batstar's den.

"Batstar?" I called, I poked my nose slightly into her den.

"Yes?" She responded. "May I go out with Ivypaw? Just to Big Rocks?" I asked.

Batstar took a moment, then responded, "sure. Just stay away from any cracks or crevaces in the rocks, some of our warriors have spotted snakes."

"Will do, Batstar, thank you." I responded. I then walked to the camp entrance and walked through it, Ivypaw following.

"I can't wait to be a warrior," Ivypaw skipped around. "Wonder what my name will be."

I grunted in response. Wonder if she'll be going to the Gathering this time. Ivypaw wasn't chosen to go to the Gathering last time and neither was I.

"How old is Batstar?" asked Ivypaw. I shrugged.

"What's your favorite prey?"

"Sparrow." I mumbled.

"How old are you?"

"Eleven moons."

"Why are your claws so long?"

"I dont know."

"Your fur is messy."

I turned and glared at Ivypaw. She smirked at me.

Ivypaw and I continued to walk the path to Big Rocks when I heard a small robin in a bush.

I turned my head, crouched down and crept for it. Once I was close enough, I pounced and caught the robin.

"Nice catch!" Ivypaw commented.

I grunted a thank you and we continued on.

"Are you excited to be a warrior?"

"I guess."

"When can I be a warrior?"

"When you're twelve moons."

"What happens at a Gathering?"

I had had enough. I took the robin and shoved it to Ivypaw's mouth.

Maybe that will shut her up. Great StarClan she's annoying.

Ivypaw didn't speak until we reached Big Rocks, and when we did I told her to drop the robin.

"You're gonna help me by pretending to be an enemy warrior. At first we wont use claws but if you're fine with it, after we will." I explained sternly.

Ivypaw nodded.

"Now I'm gonna close my eyes for ten seconds and you're going to try and sneak up on me from whatever direction you want just try to stay hidden."

Ivypaw nodded once more and raced off. I closed my eyes and tried to extend my senses to their limit.

Ivypaw seemed to be heading for the ShadowClan border. I opened my eyes again.

Once I made sure that Ivypaw wasn't sneaking up on me I then tried to transform into a crow. I was successful.

I burst into the air as soon as possible. It was natural that one would assume I'd be terrible at flying but I've practiced.

When I'm a warrior, I've decided that I will patrol as much as possible the borders while I'm a bird as its much easier.

I then flew toward the border, I spotted her, she was running quickly to Big Rocks again.

I bolted back to the ground and changed into a cat again. I sniffed around, no sign of her yet.

Then, a cold breeze brought Ivypaw's scent. I crouched and dove into a nearby bush.

Ivypaw hopped out into the clearing of Big Rocks and sniffed around. I then took this opportunity to pounce.

I flew through the air and landed squarely on Ivypaw, she let out a screech of surprise.

I brought her to the ground and I held my paw on her neck. "Ha." I laughed.

Ivypaw strained to get up and as she did she purposely bumped me with her shoulder. "Oops." She stuck out her tongue.

I rolled my eyes and cuffed her ear. "Idiot."

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