Chapter Nineteen

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Juniperbrush's POV
~Five Moons Later~

My apprentice was eleven moons old. I was very proud of him, he had worked extremely hard to prove that he was worthy to be a StormClan warrior.

Just one more moon and he'd be a warrior - if he passed his assessment, which I was sure he would.

Cinnamonsky, Quartzshine, Batwing and Frogsong has all been made warriors a while ago.

"Juniperbrush? What is with you?" Ivysong removed me from my thoughts.

"Oh nothing, just thinking." I responded. Ivysong tilted her head.

"I need to tell you something that has been on my mind." I looked to my paws.

"Sure, I'm all ears." Ivysong looked to me with curiosity.

"I.. want to be your mate. In other words, I like you, a lot, Ivysong." I explained as easily as I could.

"Wow.. I like you too, Juniperbrush.." Ivysong breathed.

Ivysong put her paw on mine and I smiled to her.

"You're all tough on the outside but it looks like I've found a soft spot!" Ivysong let out a mrrow of laughter.

I gently swiped her across the head with a sheathed paw. She and I started wrestling until I managed to pin her to the ground.

"Ooooh~" I looked up to see Fallensky and Rosefall walking together, tails intertwined.

"Shush!" Ivysong hissed at them. I got off of her.

"Anyways, I came over to tell you that Fallensky and I are going to have kits!" Rosefall exclaimed.

"Kits! Oh Rosefall, that's wonderful!" Ivysong rushed over to her sister and they started talking about names and what they'd look like.

"I'm happy for you, Fallensky." I dipped my head to him. "You'll be a wonderful father.

"Thank you, Juniperbrush." He looked shocked at how kind I was being, as normally, I was snappy and rude.

I lowered my head, letting the shame wash over me. "I am sorry, Fallensky."

"For what?"

"Always being so snappy."

"Oh.. it's okay, if I may ask, why are you like that?" Fallensky asked.

"Because... when I was an apprentice, I had my mind set on being the best warrior I could be and that ment shutting out the ones I loved, I supposed. I'm trying to change, really, and if I could, I'd love to have a relationship with your kits." I raised my head to look him in the eyes. "Please."

Fallensky slowly nodded. "Thank you, really, and of course you can have a relationship with them, I'd never take that away from you."

"Thanks." I muttered. Feeling awkward I went to take a nap in the warrior's den.

I got to the den and sunk down into my nest. I was tired and instantly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up later to Sweetwish shaking me. "Hm?" I said, raising my head.

"Clan meeting. This one's important." She said, stalking out of the den.

I got up and shook my pelt. I climbed over the many nests crowding the warriors den and out to infront of the Greatledge.

I sat down next to Ivysong and intertwined my tail with hers.

"I'd like to first say that Sweetwish is no longer deputy of StormClan. She has decided that she can no longer be deputy." Batstar announced.

Gasps fled all throughout the Clan, and I even hear someone wail slightly.

"Not to worry, I've chosen the perfect cat to take her place. May StarClan hear and approve of my choice. Brambleheart will be the new deputy of StormClan."

"Brambleheart! Brambleheart! Brambleheart! Brambleheart!" The Clan rose their voices loud for Brambleheart.

The Clan died down slowly. "I'd also like to announce that Rosefall is expecting Fallensky's kits. I am very excited for them." Batstar said proudly.

Surprised gasps and murmurs fled through the Clan. "Now, that is all. Brambleheart, please announce the evening patrols." Batstar hopped down from the Greatledge and went to talk with Skywing.

"Juniperbrush, take Larkpaw, Oakleaf and Moonwish and patrol the WindClan border." Brambleheart ordered.

I nodded and waved my tail for the three to follow me. We walked together in silence until we reached outside.

"So when will my assessment be?" Larkpaw questioned.

"When you've reached twelve moons and proven to me that you're ready." I replied.

"Okay," Larkpaw responded. We traveled the path that led to the Moonstone and marked it.

We then walked along the WindClan border, scenting nothing unusual. "This patrol went well." Moonwish said as we headed back toward camp.

"Yeah, WindClan never bother us. They seem to know well how to keep to their own territory, unlike ShadowClan." Oakleaf remarked.

They were referring to the battle with ShadowClan about five moons ago. I agreed with them, ShadowClan was fiercely outnumbered and we had chased them out easily.

I sighed. Living life as a warrior was difficult but definetly worth it. I now had Ivysong by my side and the powerful ability I had to almost never use. I felt pretty unstoppable.

I loved Clan life. I'd never take anything for it, not even unlimited prey. Here I had a life, a Clan that cares for me and a role that played an importance in keeping the Clan alive.

After all, who knows what is to come?


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