Chapter Three

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Frostedpaw's POV.

I went back to my body and bolted in the direction of the patrol. As soon as I found them I came to a skidded stop.

"You can't go that way!" I said out of breath. It was Oakleaf leading the patrol along with Skywing and Juniperpaw.

"Why?" questioned Skywing. Think of something, Frostedpaw!

"Because..uhm.." I looked down.

"Nice try. Come on," Oakleaf led the patrol onward. Guiltily, I followed along with them. "Mouse-dung!" I muttered to myself.

Then, the dog came into sight. The whole patrol stopped.

"She won't hurt you! She's just given birth!" I exclaimed, running to Winnie.

"I tried to stop them, Streampaw, I'm so sorry. Everything went well?" I asked.

"It's fine and yes, everything went great," Streampaw muttered.

Winnie rolled onto her side to see the patrol of cats. "I-I'll leave if that's what you wish!"

The patrol of cats looked at each other. "We will leave that decision to Batstar." Oakleaf dipped his head and led his patrol back to camp.

"Winnie, there is no way you're leaving. You've just given birth!" I exclaimed but Winnie looked uncertain.

"Is Batstar your leader?" Winnie asked, I nodded.

"Then Batstar will decide if I stay or go," Winnie concluded. She looked at her pups.

"I will be back, I want to look for herbs while I'm out here." Streampaw walked away.

"I have a question," Winnie started.

"Okay, what's your question?"

"Can you tell me, why... why so many cats live together?"

"We are a Clan, StormClan. There are different names for each cat and rank." I explained.

"This sounds interesting. Can you tell me more?" Winnie asked.

"Sure!" I exclaimed. "So when you're a kit, your mother gives you the name, for example, Frostedkit."

Winnie was listening attentively. "Then, when you reach six moons old, you become an apprentice and are given a mentor and the name 'paw', for example, Frostedpaw."

"Once you've reached twelve moons or a year, you become a warrior, and the leader decides your name, for example, Frostedheart or Frostedtail."

I saw Batstar on the rise bolting toward us. "I'll explain the rest another time," I muttered.

I stood in front of Winnie to guard her. Batstar ran up to me. "Frostedpaw!" Batstar nuzzled me. "Batstar, this is Winnie." I introduced her.

Batstar narrowed her eyes and looked at Winnie. "Batstar, I just gave birth.."

"She can speak cat?" Batstar looked at me. I nodded.

Batstar sighed deeply. "Since you've given birth, Winnie, I won't make you leave. You can come back to camp and sleep there."

Winnie looked up in surprise. Batstar flicked her tail. I helped Winnie up and we carried her pups. I let Winnie lean on my shoulder and together we walked back to camp. Once we reached camp, we walked through the thorn barrier.

No one was in camp but Sweetwish and her kits. Batstar led us past the nursery and to what would be the elder's den.

There was already moss inside. I helped Winnie lie down and I put her pups at her belly. Batstar left the den. I decided to stay with Winnie for a while. "So why do you know cat?" I asked.

"I was raised by cats, they found me when I was just a pup then I left because I was expecting pups and I knew they wouldn't like it," Winnie responded.

I wanted to ask further questions but I knew she was tired. "Do you want to eat?" I asked. Winnie shook her head. "I just need a rest." I nodded and headed for the entrance to leave.

I stepped out to see almost the whole Clan under the Greatledge I decided to go see what was up. Batstar was standing on the Greatledge addressing the Clan about Winnie.

"She will only be here temporarily!" exclaimed Batstar, trying to calm the enraged cats.

"She'll eat my kits!" fretted Sweetwish.

"Sweetwish, she has pups of her own, do you seriously think she'd eat your kits?" Batstar glared at her.

I then saw Winnie exit her den and push her way through the crowd. She raised her voice above the crowd in a big bark.

The whole crowd was silent. I looked around, everyone was warily spaced out around her. "I may be a dog but I have never felt more welcome in my entire life. If you'd have me, Batstar, I'd like to stay."

Terrified cries came from everyone. "You can't let her stay!" screeched one. "She'll kill us all!"

Batstar looked thoughtful for a few moments. "I'd like to talk to Sweetwish and Skywing alone in my den, please. Until the decision is final, you are to treat her no differently than you would a warrior. Meeting dismissed."

The crowd dispersed, they all muttered angrily to themselves and cast suspicious glances at Winnie.

Winnie very quickly ran back to her den and to her pups. Sadly, I followed. "Frostedpaw, I know you care for Winnie but your training needs to happen as well." my temporary mentor, Brambleheart, came up to me.

I nodded and followed Brambleheart back outside the camp. We took the path to Big Rocks and started training.

I may as well call her my mentor because I know Sweetwish won't be training me anytime soon. I'll be a warrior way before her kits are apprenticed.

"Frostedpaw, concentrate!" Brambleheart swiped me over the head with sheathed claws. I nodded. Brambleheart and I trained for a while when I spotted movement in the bushes.

When I went to investigate further, Brambleheart crashed into me. "Frostedpaw!" I turned. "Sorry! I just heard something." I prowled into the bushes more then I was swiped against the nose by tiny claws. Startled I jumped back. I'm done finding things!

"What was that?" Brambleheart mewed. I tilted my head at the bushes, then went back in to see. Oh StarClan, there are kits!

Book Three, A Fallen WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now