Chapter Six

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Fallenpaw's P.O.V

It had been a moon after my hit on the Thunderpath. According to Meadowheart and Streampaw I was 'recovering well' but I wasn't so sure.

I was hit by the monster on my back leg but it was my tail that was completely crushed.

It seemed as if the bones in my tail were never going to heal. Meadowheart put this odd-smelling herb on my tail that's supposed to mend the bones.

Every two nights Streampaw'd give me a poppyseed. I had asked her why she didn't give me one every night and she said that it could make me worse.

That wasn't the best news because on the nights that I didn't get a poppyseed I had terrible nightmares.

In a moon, my siblings would become warriors and I was praying I'd join them, but Meadowheart hasn't even let me leave the den, let alone get up on my own.

Maybe I'd do my assessment a little later? I hope Moonwish understands, she, other than Meadowheart and Streampaw, had been spending the most amount of time with me, which was getting annoying because she'd always blame herself for my accident.

I've told her countless times that I dont blame her for what happened but she doesn't listen.

I could tell the normally-patient Meadowheart was even getting tired of hearing it while she's sorting through herbs.

One day, Meadowheart had had enough and yelled at her to leave her den and she hasn't been back since.

So this is basically my day plan: wake up, attempt to wash my pelt, (it was difficult because I was so stiff from not moving all day) mewing a goodmorning to Meadowheart as she runs a very brief checkup on me, then she leaves the den to get me prey. Streampaw comes over and replaces the herbs on my tail, during this time we chat about everything.

Afterwards, Streampaw gives me a few comforting licks then exits the den to get her prey, Meadowheart comes back and gives me mine, I eat it, she buries my bones, then both Streampaw and Meadowheart are gone until the afternoon.

During this time, Rosepaw has been visiting me. We talk about loads of stuff while she takes her time and grooms my fur for me.

I owe her a lot. She's amazing. Other than Streampaw, it's nice to have someone to truely connect with.

"Hey." I was startled out of my thinking to see my mother sitting next to me.

"Hi," I said sighing. Batstar looked at me with worry, I met her gaze.

"Once you've fully healed, you will take your assessment." she stated. "But I can't hold off on your siblings.."

"Its okay, I understand." I cut her off. Batstar nodded.

She then touched her nose to mine. "I love you son."

I felt warm inside. "Love you too, mother."

Batstar dipped her head. "Rest easy." she meowed and exited the den.

Then, Rosepaw stepped in. Her sweet scent overwhelmed my senses and her soft voice mewed, "hello."

I dipped my head and replied "hi." Rosepaw came closer and settled down in my nest next to me.

"I hope you're not too tired, I thought I'd just stop in and say hello. Batstar is taking me to do battle training later." Rosepaw meowed.

"Didn't you do battle training yesterday, and the day before?" I questioned.

Rosepaw nodded. "You know how Batstar is. She's on edge from the recent attacks from ShadowClan in WindClan and RiverClan."

I nodded. We could be next. I thought. And I wouldn't be able to help. "You saw their mean looks and snarls towards ThunderClan. I think they're next.." Rosepaw trailed off.

"But ThunderClan have many strong warriors, they'll be able to defend themselves." I commented, but a stone was held in my throat. RiverClan and WindClan are not doing well. I gulped. ThunderClan may have many, but we don't!

"True, but remember, ShadowClan are feirce and feisty, WindClan have many, and RiverClan are swift, but they're both not good enough to defeat ShadowClan." Rosepaw finished.

"Yeah.. and ShadowClan never accepted us as a real Clan, remember? I was surprised we weren't first." I breathed.

Rosepaw nodded, a look of worry in her eyes. "We'll be okay, Batstar is smart, she'll know what to do with her warriors." I reassured her.

Rosepaw sighed and layed her head on my paws. "I'm just worried because this is my home.. I dont want it to be destroyed.."

I gently licked her between her ears. "StormClan is a Storm, we're strong, dont worry." I layed my head on hers and was calmed by her deep breathing.

Her shallow breaths had told me that she fell asleep. Sighing, I closed my eyes and was fully engulfed in darkness.

I woke to Rosepaw prodding me with her paw. I opened my eyes to find that it was moonhigh.

In confusion I got up. Rosepaw signaled to me to follow her. I attempted to stand but I just fell over again. Rosepaw then helped me up.

We walked together into the empty clearing which I hadn't seen in a while. It was cold, Leaf-bare was here and StarClan's Coming was soon.

"You smell that?" Rosepaw whispered. I lifted my nose in the air and caught a ShadowClan scent. Startled I froze in my spot.

"Yeah.." I was shaking now, Rosepaw touched her nose to mine. "We'll b-be alright.. m-maybe they marked their b-borders stronger than normal.."

I wanted to believe that but couldn't. I knew exactly what was happening. I slowly turned to Rosepaw, she looked me directly in the eyes.

ShadowClan was coming, and StormClan was unprepared.

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