Chapter 1: Birth of a Power Ranger

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"It's done." Tommy said to himself as he finished the last of the coding on the computer. He rotated his neck a few times to get out the kinks. He was an old man now and he was tired. After years of being a Ranger had taken its toll on his body. He back was held together by tech that allowed him to walk, but flared up every so often. He looked at the photos on the wall to see the pictures of his family. His son had become a Ranger with the SPD and now wore a version of his dragon shield as a way to honor him. He stood up slowly to prevent any pain in his back.

He had decided that the Master Morpher should be sent to another universe to help create a new team of rangers to be a force for good. He had set it so only someone truly worthy could be chosen as the next Leader of the Rangers. He had looked around the room to see it was like a slightly smaller Command Center from his youth, but a bit more modern and top of the line. He looked over everything once more before setting his Golden Morpher into the cradle he had created. Tommy had worked with several of the best minds to allow it access to all current generation of Rangers. He also programmed it with the ability to grant other worth individuals to be given a morpher of the best possible match for them. The Power Rangers were a team and no Ranger could do everything by themselves. The other Morphers were being stored in the command center itself. When a chosen ranger was selected near the Master Morpher it would be teleported to that person. He moved to just outside the command Center entrance.

"DECA, begin project Future Rangers." Tommy said to the room. The room came to life at the computer began to spin up and a progress bar appeared on the screen.

"Program has been initiated Dr. Oliver," a feminine voice replied to him "ETA to activation 300 Seconds." The time appeared on the screen.

Tommy smiled and crossed his arms as he looked at the screen. "Thank you DECA, I wish you the best of luck with the new Rangers." Tommy was a little disappointed that he was not going along with the Command Center to train them himself, but he wouldn't leave his family like that. He felt a gentle hand wrap around his arm. He turn to see his wife Kat giving him a sad smile.

"Sad that you aren't going?" Kat asked him with teasing tone." She moved close to cuddle into him.

Tommy chuckled "A little, but my time has come to an end and I wish to spend it with you and J.J." He bend his head down and kissed her brow. She had been through a lot with being a ranger and had retired her Morpher long before Tommy had. She had helped him through a lot and was glad to be standing by his side after all these years. As the timed reached the last 30 seconds Tommy reached up and pressed the button to close the door. There was a flash of light through the other side of the door and when Tommy reopened it everything was gone it was now an empty room.

"Good Luck to the next person who get the Master Morpher, your life will never be the same again." Tommy mused to himself. Kat shook her head and lead him away from the room. It was now time to plan out their travel plans for a nice long overdue vacation.

The Command Center traveled through the dimensions and found one that was full of Heroes and Villains. A world in need of a team of Heroes that would be the light in the darkness. DECA set the destination for that Command Center. As she entered the Dimension she set to scan the planet for the worthy successor. After a long scan of a moth of scanning the Earth a match was found in Japan. DECA activated the teleportation system and vanished to the Planet surface. She had found the match lived in Musutafu area and there was a beach full of debris and garbage.

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