Chapter 13: Disciplinary Hearing, Class 1-B, A Long Overdue Apology

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Nezu waited patiently as the board members were still entering the room before the hearing was supposed to begin. Shouta sat next to Nezu trying not to sigh out loud as he was not wanting to be here to deal with these sycophants. He looked over to see Bakugo sitting in his uniform looking angry as he normally did. His mother was sitting beside him hissing something into his ear and trying to get him to smooth out his uniform. Shouta was sure she was telling him to keep his mouth shut.

The other members were making small talk with one another. It was almost time to start when the Chairman walked into the room. Chairman Neigo was almost a spitting image of his younger brother with the exception he was a bit more on the heavy side. Nezu could see that the family probably had the same arrogant smirk. As soon as he entered the room the other members swarmed to greet and fawn over him.

Nezu had to fight the urge not to be disgusted at the sight in from of him. All of them were fawning of the fact to Chairman had done them all a favor in the past and he held it over them for their votes. Nezu had been slowly investigating the Monoma family with the help of DECA and was not surprised to see that the family had been in positions of power for nearly 200 years and it was always a Patriarchal family. Each male head of the family always had a position of influence in the government and the other members of the family would spread out into other positions to help keep them in power with influence and information.

Nezu noted that the family was nearly ruined 5 years ago from a corruption scandal involving one of their Uncles that resulted in the family losing nearly all of its fortune and most of the family was jailed as a result of that investigation. It had only been in the last 3 years or so they had built their power back up to allow for Neigo to become Chairman of the UA Board and his brother was now a middle-rank member of HPSC as an investigator that had been slowly crawling up the ranks. The family had withered over the years had brought down family members down to Neito was now the next in line as the future head of the Monoma family.

The board members all took their seats when it was time for the hearing to begin. Chairman Monoma had cleared his throat as he was got comfortable. “Thank you all for coming today as we are here for the Disciplinary Hearing for Katsuki Bakugo from his actions during his first Heroics Class. According to reports filed by several instructors during this class Bakugo used excessive force after his match ended and the opposing team had been declared the winner.” Chairman Monoma read off the case against Bakugo “The report as says he refused several orders to stand down the instructors.” The chairman set the file down. “Now let us get started."

Izuku gave his daughter one last hug before he headed off to meet with the girls. He made his way to their normal meeting spot with the girls. They found another empty room to get their morning kisses and asked if he had heard anything about Bakugo. When he told them no they hoped they would hear something soon. When it started getting close for class to start they had to get going. Mei headed for her workbench promising to have his suit cleaned before the afternoon class started. Momo, Ochako, and Kyoka kissed him and headed for their classroom. Setsuna locked arms with him to escort him to Class 1-B for the day.

Unbeknown to the little group Toru had come to school early and decided to walk around to explore the school a bit when she saw Izuku head towards a classroom with some of their classmates. She stayed back a little bit to avoid Kyoka super hearing. After they entered the room she snuck over to listen to the door out of curiosity. She heard what they were doing. When she heard them coming out of the room darted back behind a nearby corner. She poked her head to watch them leave the room (Perk of being invisible). "Oh, I so have to tell Mina about this.” She whispered with excitement. She darted off in a different direction sending a message to find out where her friend was at.

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