Chapter 9: Accidental Flirt, Rescue Support, a New Ranger(s) Appears

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The next few weeks flew by as Izuku was kept pretty busy. He normally had Raphtalia with him when his mother had to work. He was either visiting one of his sister's agencies or when he meet his friends for some kind of fun day. At least one of the two days he was at an agency they did a public event and people came out to support the Pro Heroine and Izuku. Nezu had contacted Momo's mother Mona Yaoyorozu who was big in the charity and public event circles. After finding a manufacturer that could do the all work they had in mind for the apparel and it was going to be made with good quality materials they went to work on getting them into production.

Izuku came in with his Mother, Raphtalia and Momo and morphed into his Green Ranger, Quantum Ranger, and Red Mystic Ranger forms so they could get pictures of all of them and with Momo making a few basic prototypes helped to speed the design process up. After the first week they went into production and his second week was mostly public events were they raised money for the local children's hospitals and other important local charities. The sweatshirts sold well and his stuffed dolls were very popular that they were highly collectable. It was later decided that the Yaoyorozu Cooperation would have the rights to his current and future Ranger forms that would be made into apparel, dolls, toys, etc. Izuku received one of each sweatshirt for himself along with some for his friends and family. Raphtalia was overjoyed at this and took all three of her dolls to bed or with her everywhere she went to show them off. She also wore the Red Mystic Ranger hoodie every chance and would had even started wearing it to bed.

Mona sat down with Izuku and Inko to go over some other items they were thing about releasing later in the year and some around the sports festival. Izuku agreed with her plans and made a special request for a few of the items. He asked that he keep this private as he wanted it to be a surprise.

After he finished his time at his sister agencies he made time to hang out with his friends. He went to the beach with them and with the tanuki in tow. She had never been to the beach and was a ball of energy when her feet touched the sand. Everyone had a good time and relaxed as the weather was nice and they had packed a lunch and listened to music picked out by Kyoka.

Setsuna teased Izuku about not wanting to put sunscreen on her and the girls, but stopped when Raphtalia tossed a small shell at her head and missed by a wide margin. Izuku scolded her on not doing that again. Setsuna apologized and the young girl seemed to forgive her, but was wary of Setsuna for a bit. Ochako helped him teach Raphtalia how to swim and it took a bit of time, but she seemed to get the hang of it by the end of the day. Overall everyone seemed to have a fun day together.

Another day they hung out as group was at the Command Center and Izuku loaded up the pilot trainings and let them have a turn using it. Raphtalia was amazed at this and Izuku gave her a tour of the base as Setsuna was using the Dragonzord Program much to her delight. For the most part they all did very well on their first attempts and did better with additional tries. Ochako did amazing at the Astro Megaship program and even scored better than he did on her first attempt at the program. After everyone had their fun in the simulator they went for a walk towards the Zord bay were everyone had a great time.

When it came down to individual events it was a new experience for him to go out a try new things. Inko took Raphtalia with her to work on those days to let him have fun without having to watch her all the time. This was when the girl's learned something important about their green haired friend. He was an accidental flirt.

Setsuna had wanted to go to a museum with dinosaur exhibits and they had a special screening of Jurassic Park where she cuddle up beside him leaving him blushing mess. Izuku had fun since he had never seen the movie and never had anyone to go to the museum with except him mom. Izuku had a fun time and learn a lot about dinosaurs and it was nice to see Setsuna as excited about them as he was about quirks. He got used to her flirting with him to get him all flustered and when he accidentally called her the Dinosaur Queen that left her a blushing mess for a while. Izuku waited with her until her ride came to take her home. He gave her a hug thanked her for the amazing day and she hesitated for a moment before giving him a kiss on the cheek and hurried into the car. Izuku was paralyzed at this and after his brain finally rebooted he went home trying to figure what just happened.

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