Chapter 11: Confessions and Battle Training: Izuku vs Bakugo

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The Command Center was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Izuku had finished telling them about his past with Bakugo including what had happen to lead him to get his Morpher to meeting all of them. It was easier after having talked with Nemuri about recently, but it was still a bit emotional for him to relive it so soon. He watched the variety of emotions on their faces as he told his story. Horror at how he was treated most of his life from former classmates, teachers, and people in general. Anger at Bakugo for being Izuku primary abuser, who was now their classmate and him telling to take a swan dive. Sadness at him going through this alone with no friends for so many years. He had to talk them all down about retaliating against Bakugo saying it wasn't worth it them getting in trouble or expelled over.

Izuku watched as they all jumped up and pulled him into a group hug nearly taking him to the ground. Izuku wasn't sure what to do with them crying. He barely understood women on a good day and now he had 5 crying women in his arms. He tried to reassure them, but they held onto him that much tighter with his attempts. He waited for them to settle down before trying to talk anymore.

Momo had composed herself first before asking "How are you this kind to everyone if you were treated so poorly?" She was angry at herself to not see the signs that her friends had been mistreated by people so terribly for over a decade! She wanted to get her mother to eviscerate that school and those so called teachers.

Izuku shrugged the best he could. "I wanted to be a hero and I knew that if I gave up or gave into what they said about me then I would have quit a long time ago." Izuku watched as they all looked up at him. "There is a quote from a pre-quirk movie Balboa that always stuck with me whenever I was on the edge of giving up. 'It's not about how hard you hit; it's about how you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward.' I just keep moving forward I suppose." Izuku blushed at letting his nerdy side out like that.

They all gave him a small smile at this adorable dork that quoted a move from so long ago that keep him going. They started to giggle a little as they started to feel better.

Izuku smiled "There much better to see all your pretty smiles then to have to have such sad looks on your faces." Izuku realized what he just said and blushed as he tried to speak but just stuttered incoherently.

The girls all blinked a moment at his words and lightly blushed before looking at each other. They broke the hug and started to play rock-paper-scissors. Setsuna and Ochako won the first round and went into a second for Setsuna was the winner.  Ochako pouted as Setsuna grinned and moved towards Izuku. "This is for being such an amazing guy." Setsuna gently grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a kiss. Izuku saw fireworks as their lips touched.  He froze at the action not sure what to do with his hands.

When the kiss ended Izuku struggled to understand. "Why?" That was all he could get out as he was trying to process her kiss.

"I like you Izu and I wanted to show you how much you mean to me to share you past." Setsuna blush slightly. "You treat me like I am a person and not my last name. People are always try to date me for my family prestige, but you treat me like I am special for just being me and not as an object you want to obtain." She smiled at him "You are not alone remember that." She stepped back and gestured for Ochako to come forwards.

Ochako came forward her face red with a blush. She stepped close and gently placed his hands on her hips and put her arms around his neck and pulled him into a gentle kiss. Izuku was still a bit stiff at first, but relaxed slightly to her kiss. When she pulled back she looked him in the eyes. "I like you too Izuku. I felt something when you saved me at the exams. I watched how you are always so kind and say the sweetest things to make a girl feel special." Ochako moved a hand to gently cup his face. "Each time I was around you I saw you treated me like a queen and you encouraged my love for space and you gave me a spaceship!" She smiled shy smile. "Setsuna is right you are not alone anymore." Ochako stepped back and gestured for the next one.

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