Chapter 12: Battle Training conclusion

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AN: Starting this week I will be only updating once a week on this book and twice a week on my other book. So check out my other book please.


"HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM- oh." All Might said looking to see Bakugo already on the ground unconscious and Midoriya comforting his teammates. All Might cleared his throat "Well done Young Midoriya. I am glad to see you and your classmates are alright." All Might walked over to place a pair of quirk suppressing cuffs on Bakugo. "Why don't you 3 walk Young Ida back to observation room while we get this all sorted out. "

Izuku and his friends nodded at his instructions and separated from their impromptu comforting hug and started to walk to their other classmate when two blurs flew through the door latching on to him.

"Izuku! Are you all right? Did the blond asshole hurt you?" Miruko asked hugging him so hard it almost made his back pop. She looked him over checking for any injuries. She was tempted to go kick the blonde while he was down, but not with All Might right next to him.

"Are you hurt anywhere do we need to take you to see Recovery Girl or your Mom?" Ryukyu asked holding him tight as well before looking him over as well. She was grateful that he was safe. She kept an eye on her sister knowing she would be tempted to deal out some 'justice' towards Bakugo and she couldn't blame her since she wanted to as well, but that would be unheroic. How unfortunate.

Mina, Toru and Ida were surprised to see two pro Heroines fussing over their classmate like they were his mother. They watched as he tried to wave them off and tried to escape, but they were not taking no for an answer. They watched their homeroom teacher walk into the room with medical robots to place Bakugo on a stretcher and All Might and their teacher talked for a moment before walking out of the room as if escorting a prisoner.

Izuku let out a sigh as his sisters started to calm down enough for him to make them believe he was fine. "Look I swear I am fine. I promise, but my teammates needs to be checked for injuries at least." Izuku was almost begging for them to believe him. It was then that he realized something. "Wait what are you two doing here anyway? I know for a fact that you both were supposed to be out on your patrol routes today?" He was starting to have a bad feeling about this.

Ryukyu looked a little abashed "Well we heard from Mom that you were having your first Heroic class and we decided to make a surprise visit to support you." She laughed at his surprised expression. "What we are allowed to drop by UA." She didn't mention that it was not something Pros did very often, but did so when they were scouting a specific student for their agencies.

"Yeah I was glad I didn't miss it this. You did really well fighting that blonde runt especially with how he had a meltdown. Mom and Raphtalia were also here to watch you as well." Miruko add as she beamed with sisterly pride as his absolute trashing of Bakugo.

"What? Mom and Raphtalia are here too? Let me guess Midnight and Mt. Lady came to watch my training session as well?" Izuku was afraid this would happen. They wanted to come see him in action and it was going to be really embarrassing if his mother brought his baby picture with her.

"Yep we got a good show coming here to watch you today." Miruko replied as smirk. "I am so proud of you little brother." She froze as she registered what she had just said. "Oops." She looked over to Ryukyu face palmed at her letting the cat out of the bag. Then again they had said Mom several times so she had not helped the issue either.

"Mom? Raphtalia? Brother?!" His three classmates exclaimed in surprise before looking back and forth between the three of them.

Izuku let out a tired sigh. "Whelp guess the cat is out of the bag now." Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose. "Mina, Toru, and Ida meet my Sisters Miruko and Ryukyu." He gestured to his sisters. "Miruko and Ryukyu. Please meet my classmates." The Pro Heroines waved at his classmates as they were a bit stunned at the revelation "As you both recall from class earlier Midnight is also my sister along with Mt. Lady." Izuku figured it was like a Band-Aid one swift motion would make it better than to drag it out.

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