Chapter 5: New Friends and Protective Sisters

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When they arrived at the Medical area Ochako had to suppress a moan as she was set on the table by Izuku and was looked over by Recovery Girl. Ochako watch was Izuku was hug really hard by the other nurse and when she heard him call her Mom it all made sense to her. Recovery Girl told her that is was not broken and used her quirk to heal her right up. Afterwards she felt incredibly tired and almost fell asleep until she was given some gummies that helped her not feel quite as tired. Ochako watch in her amusement as Izuku's mom fussed over him before she calmed down and warned him about giving her a scare like that again anytime soon. Izuku apologized to his mother and she told him to wait for her at the front gate for her to finish up here. Izuku gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and headed to his locker to get his phone and jacket. When he came back he found Ochako was waiting for him near the door.

"Hey want to walk to the gate with me?" Izuku asked with a kind smile. He was feeling a bit tired from the changes and summoning 6 Zords and two Megazord combinations. He was going to need a nice meal and good night's rest to be 100%. He knew waiting for the results was going to be brutal on him, but he asked to be treated like everyone else and he was going to stick to it even if it drove him crazy.

Ochako nodded and gave him a big smile in return. "Sure, and maybe we can find Kyoka and hang out before your mom comes to meet you?" Ochako said hoping to get to hang out with him a bit more. She only knew Kyoka and was looking forward to making another friend. She looked at her green jacket and had to admit it was pretty cool and matched his Green hair and eyes. She was sad to see him put the jacket on since it covered up his arms. She fell in step with Izuku and walked towards the bus to take them back to the main building. During their ride back they talked about favorite heroes and movies. They geeked out over the rescue hero Thirteen and Ochako went on a mini rant of about Thirteen history and impressive rescue record. She was slightly embarrassed with about gushing over her favorite hero until Izuku showed her his notebook and told her he understood. She felt better and could not suppress a smile at his kind heart to make others smile.

Before they knew it the bus had arrived at the drop off point and they walked toward the front gate where they saw Kyoka listening to music with an ear jack plugged in to her phone. She was bobbing her head along to the beat to her music. She seemed unharmed if not a little tired and leaned against the gate entrance. When she noticed them getting close to her, she tapped her phone a few times before disconnecting her jack from her phone. "I am going to go out on a limb and say that the giant robots battling it out were your fault their Izuku?" Kyoka asked quirking an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

Izuku gave a small chuckle "Yeah I went a little overboard at the end there, but if was for a good reason you see.-"Izuku started, but Ochako jumped in with the excitement on a child

"I was trapped under some rubble and he saved me before calling that Dragon looking Zord and putting the smack down on it." She made a lot of punching and stomping gestures. "Then when the others came he called more and went toe to toe with them and blew them to pieces!" Ochako got more and more excited about the battle and got even more animated almost hitting Kyoka and Izuku a few times with her hands.

Izuku look at Kyoka and she gave him a sly smile before whispering "She gets like this when she is excited." And smirked as she didn't even register their conversation and kept talking until she finished her tale and noticed them smiling at her and she got embarrassed at her actions.

"Sorry I got over excited again." She said her face blushing red and covered her face with her hands activating her quirk and started to float away until Kyoka used her jacks to pull her back to the ground. It took a few minutes for her to calm down. Ochako touched her hands together and returned to the ground. "I didn't mean to steal you thunder their Izuku, I'm sorry." She gave a small pout and tapped her pointer fingers together.

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