Chapter 14: Emergency Unicorn Rescue (PART 3)

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Izuku and the other arrived outside the office a short time later. It was decided that Izuku, Ochako, and Momo would enter first and if she felt comfortable have the other come into the room. Raphtalia frown at this, but after Setsuna took her for Izuku she was content to for the time being.

Izuku knocked gently on the door. “Mei. It’s Izuku.” He waited for a moment.

“Come on in Zuzu.” Came Mei muffled reply.

Izuku slowly entered the room and Momo close the door behind her. The room had three beds with curtains for each bed. The last bed curtain was partly pulled to block the view of the bed. Izuku moved very slowly around the curtain and watched as Eri seemed to relax at the sight of him. "Hey, Eri I came here just like I promised." He looked over to see Mei was sitting in a chair near the bed. "Thank you for getting her back safely Mei."

“Oh, it was no problem Zuzu. Glad I was able to help you guys out.” Mei smiled. Had a small notebook in her hand and pencil sketching something out. “I may not be much of a fighter, but I would help you guys out again wherever I can.”

"It was very much appreciated for your assistance Mei," Momo said smiling at the tech genius. "You will have to fill us in later on when you got Morpher." Momo moved to Izuku's left shoulder and looked at the little unicorn. "Hey, Eri. I heard you wanted to see Izuku, Ochako, and myself."

Ochako mirror Momo's action and moved behind Izuku's other shoulder. "Hey, Eri," Ochako said waving at her. "I wanted to come to see how you were doing." She liked how the girls' eyes lit up at them being there.

Izuku pointed to the bed. “Can we sit down here with you?” When she gave him a nod Izuku took a seat on the edge of the bed. Ochako took a chair next to her. Momo sat on the other side of the bed close to Mei. “Are you thirsty or hungry?” he asked her wanting to ease her into talking.

Eri seemed to think for a moment before asking. “C-can I have an apple please?”

Izuku smiled at her request. “I am sure we can find some apples for you.” Izuku got up to find some when Mei stood up gesturing for him to stay seated.

“I’ll ask if the nurse has one. Stay with her.” Mei waved at Eri. “Be right back.” She disappeared around the curtain towards the private office.

The next few minutes were the trio talked with Eri about simple things to try and get her a bit more comfortable with all of them. When Mei came back with a plate of sliced apples the girl's eyes sparkled with happiness. Mei also places a glass of water on the table next to her bed. Eri happily munched on the apples practically inhaling them.

"I can see your favorite food is apples," Izuku said with a slight chuckle. "How about in a bit we will get you some more food and apples for dessert ok?" He wanted to get her to eat a bit of real food with apples being a bonus in the end.

"Ok, Mr. Izuku," Eri said taking another sip of her water.

Izuku smiled at her, “You can just call me Izuku if you want.”

"Eri, sweetheart," Momo said giving her a very gentle smile. "We heard you got upset when the nurse came to check up on you. Is there a reason why?" Momo had placed her open hand near the girl offering it to her if she wanted to hold it.

Eri seemed to retreat a bit in the bed. "She was wearing a white coat as h-he does." Eri hugged the egg slightly as she spoke. "I was afraid she was going to hurt me." Eri closed her eyes at thinking about her time with Kai.

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