Chapter 6: Ranger Introduction and Beach day.

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Izuku groaned as his alarm went off the following morning. He had slept somewhat decent, but dreams of a hormonal teen made him groggy when he first got up in the morning. He looked at his clock to see it was 6am. He was normally up at 530am to work out, but since he was meeting his friends in a few hours he decided to get changed and go for a run to finish clearing his mind. He finished his run at his normal pace and took a shower when he got back to the apartment. When he got out of the shower his mother was about finished making breakfast.

"Morning dear, did you have a good run?" Inko asked putting the final touches on their breakfast for the morning. She held a small smirk on her face on how he was acting this morning.

Izuku poured two glasses of juice before set the table with plates and utensils. "Yeah it was fine wanted to get it in before it got too late in the morning." He was still recovering from his punishment from the night before. 'I hoped he never had to go through that again.' He had never been so embarrassed in his life and his sister had not helped much as they had given him some tips and pointers while he was taught by Nemuri on how to put on a condom on a banana. Dear god it was so embarrassing that he had to take an ice cold shower to stop his face from burning from his blushing. He was certain that steam had poured off his face.  He had gotten a few messages last night and answered them being glad they couldn't see his face at that moment.

"Thank you for breakfast mom." He dug into his breakfast and savored the greatness that was her cooking. He had changed up his diet slightly when he was training for UA and his mother made sure he had a good meal and made it take amazing made it easier to stick too. "Are you still planning on coming with me today?" Izuku asked wanting to know when she suggested it the night before.

"Yes, I will pack a picnic lunch for everyone to enjoy and I can get to know your new friends along with your sisters." Inko replied giving him a kind smile. "I'm was worried about you being alone when school started, but now I know you will have some friends by your side." Inko reached over and gently held in hand.

Izuku gave her a smile back. "Thank I couldn't ask for a better mother in the entire world." Izuku stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for supporting me these last 10 months. I couldn't have don't it without your love and support. Izuku gave her a tight hug. Mother and Son held each other for a few minutes before moving apart.

"Now go get dress and you can help me pack our food and drinks." Inko shooed her son away as she wiped the happy tears from her eyes. She messaged the daughters about any food requests for lunch. After getting their replies Inko went to work on packing the basket. Izuku came back in to see the packed cooler filled with a variety of drinks and waters for them. Everything was packed in the picnic basket and ready with time to spare.

Izuku pulled out his phone and sent a message to their group chat

UA Friend Chat

Green Bunny (Izuku): Hey guys I want to let everyone know that Mom and I packed a basket of food and cooler full of drinks for us at the beach. If you want to bring anything else please feel free to do so.

Green Bunny (Izuku): Also, Really this is my name?

Gravity Girl (Ochako): Aw that is so sweet of you guys and I will bring some snack stuff.

Gravity Girl (Ochako): I didn't do it, Setsuna did. But I think it's accurate.

Rock Goddess (Kyoka): Thanks Green Bean. I will bring some music for us to listen too.

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