Chapter 8: Recovery, Punishment, and Acceptance Letters

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Izuku let the medical staff fuss over him and make sure he was unharmed. He was across from Raphtalia who was nervous about being around so many people her. When they finished the told both of them to rest until their results were in and someone came to check on them. A nurse brought some food for them and after both had finished their meals decided to get some rest. The staff made sure they got comfortable in their beds before leaving the room.

As Izuku just finished getting comfortable in his bed he saw Raphtalia standing beside his bed clutching her pillow to her chest looking scared. "What's up Raphtalia?" Izuku asked the young girl.

"C-can I sleep in your bed? Mine is too big and lonely?" She looked at him with big watery eyes and an adorable pout. Her tail was swing slowly behind her as hugged the pillow just a bit tighter.

'Most dangerous weapon in the world' Izuku thought to himself before scooting over and patting the side of his bed. "Come on." He watched her face brighten up immediately and scrambled onto the bed almost falling, but Izuku helped her up and she quickly burrowed into his side and pulled the blanket up to her chin. Izuku silently chuckled at her antics and laid down and wrapped arm around her before drifting off for some much needed sleep.

Inko arrived at the hospital along with Nezu, Shouta, and Recovery Girl as it was busy with activity they had to wait for few minutes before a nurse was available to assist them. She moved towards the desk as a busy nurse attempted to hand her a clipboard, but Inko stopped her "I am looking for my son Izuku Midoriya." Inko gave her a chance to start looking him up. "He was brought in from the building explosion by an ambulance crew just a little bit ago." Inko waited as patiently as possible the nurse found the room and wrote it down before handing the piece of paper to her.

"He is in room 335." The nurse stated politely. "Also please give my regards to your son on his truly heroic save today." She gave Inko smile and bowed to her.

Inko returned her smile and returned the bow. "I will do that thank you so much for your help." Inko turned her group and led them to elevators to bring them up to the 3rd floor. Inko had been antsy since she arrived wanting to see her son. As the elevator reached the floor she reached the nurses station to ask the nurse which way to room 335. The nurse looked up the room and call over an older man nearby.

"Hello I am Dr. Takashi and I am your son's physician." Dr. Takashi gave her a professional smile. "I assume you are his mother?"

Inko nodded "Yes I am Izuku's Mother. Is he alright?" Inko already heard from her daughters that he was exhausted after it was over, but she knew he had downplayed stuff before so no one would worry about him. She knew that the hospital would do a battery of tests just to make sure he was alright.

"You son is doing fine. He is currently resting in his room from exhaustion." Dr. Takashi handed her his file. "Your son mentioned you were a nurse and would ask to see his file the moment you arrived. I made sure it was ready for you."

Inko couldn't help but chuckling at her sons antics of knowing her so well. "Thank you Doctor." She looked over the notes and saw that everything was normal and that exhaustion was noted by the medical staff and during their last checkup he was resting comfortably. Inko handed the file to Recovery Girl and allowed her to look over it before handing it back to the doctor.

Nezu sighed with relief after hearing the doctor confirm that Izuku was indeed alright. "What about the girl that he rescued. How is she doing?" He had been curious as to who the girl was and how she got separated from her family.

"She is doing fine as well. She is a little dehydrated and slightly underfed, but is doing fine now that we gave her some fluids and a hot meal for her." The doctor seemed to hesitate a moment before getting the girls file "She doesn't remember her last name only that her family is gone and her name is Raphtalia." Doctor handed the file to Nezu and Shouta read it over his shoulder.

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