Chapter 3: Hero Training and Rise of a Ranger

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The next ten months went by before Izuku knew it. There had been many changes in his life since that fateful day he debuted at a Ranger. First was his withdrawal from his middle school and was registered as Nezu personal student. After a few testes it was discovered that Izuku was quite bright and well education despite his schools attempt. It didn't take long before Izuku was working at a higher education level. His lesson on analyses with him were quite in-depth and many times went on for hours before stopping. They had forged a good mentor/student bond. Nezu always enjoyed to see Izuku eyes like up when he was talking about a new quirk or a new hero. He always smiled at this and vowed to keep his student like this for as long as possible.

His lessons with Shouta had been brutal at first. He was stated with a full in-depth physical training routine that changed him from a skinny kid to a healthy and well-toned body and reflexes. Shouta was his main instructor in combat and taught him tactics during the week. By the time the Entrance exam arrived he was able to fight as a highly trained martial artist without having to use his morpher for every fight. Shouta started sparing with him 4 months into the training as both himself and morphed into a ranger form. Shouta would normally win when he was unmorphed despite Izuku having enhanced strength and reflexes from his morpher, due to being more experienced in a fight as a Pro Hero. Now when Izuku was morphed he was at the advantage since Shouta couldn't erase his power and this intern made Shouta a better fighter learning to change up his tactics better and knowing when to ask for help in a fight or falling back.

Yu had risen through the Hero ranking and was becoming a well-liked Heroine in the community. She had taken several lessons from Gunhead and even got a few hand to hand lessons from Shouta when she was there to train Izuku and teach him how to take down an opponent bigger than him. In the process of training Izuku and having him analyze her quirk it was soon discovered that she could adjust her size as needed. It took more concentration to stop herself from reaching her full height, but it gave her more diversity in her abilities. She had gotten closer to Izuku and dotted on him like a big sister should. She saw Inko as a second mother and was often invited over to dinner with Inko and Izuku. It had helped her be a better hero and relied more on her smile then flashing her 'assets' to the public. She had done several public events with Izuku as her assistance in cleaning up a few parks and reading to kids at several hospitals had made her better Heroine. Izuku always came out to these event and they got their photo together of both of them smiling and nicknamed the Smiling Duo. Yu and Nemuri were not the best of friends, but they could tolerate each other not to fight since it upset Izuku. She enjoyed being a part time teacher and found that there were a few students that looked up to her as their personal hero. She had been considering taking up a full time position at some point.

Inko had many big changes after what happened to her son. First she was hired by Nezu to be nurse at UA along with Recovery Girl. It was decided that the need for more medically trained people was needed especially when the sports festival was going on. Inko loved her new job and it allowed her to be home more and paid well. She got a full lecture about self-care from Recovery Girl and started to go to the gym and eat better. By the time Izuku took the Entrance Exam she was back to a healthy weight and looked like she did when Izuku was 4. She felt more confident in her appearance and made sure to keep taking care of herself. She had met with Mitsuki and told her what was going on and was horrified about her son's behavior. It took some serious convincing that she was unaware of it and promised to keep him away from Izuku. They stayed friends and she normally went over to Inko place to visit.

She also became good friends with Nemuri (Midnight) and introduced her to other female Heroines for a weekly get together and hit it off with them very quickly. When they met it was Inko, Nemuri, Yu, Mitsuki, Rumi (Miruko), and Ryuko (Ryukyu). Everyone had a lot of fun especially when she showed them a few of his pictures from his younger days. It was much later when Izuku found out and almost died from embarrassment. Inko had also used that time to actually train her quirk properly. She could attract larger items, but nothing bigger than a loaf of bread, but she learn to be able to send it flying at high speeds. She wound not be a heroine, but she could use her quirk to get what she needed in the clinic even if it was across the room.

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