chapter 22 - everything's changin' within me

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It was Ricky's last day in New York until he returns in two weeks. It was also the day of Gina's show. Nini was a little worried about EJ and Ricky, remembering that their last encounter was met with tension on Ricky's end. But they'd somehow bonded over Ricky's YAC project with Ethan. EJ was the only one of them who wasn't a mentor, because YAC mainly focuses on youth with interests in the Arts and creating a spreadsheet isn't really art (EJ would disagree though).

Ethan and Ricky were just brainstorming, and they started talking about Ethan's experience with foster care, and how he was lucky enough to even be placed in a group home that was okay enough. Some kids get placed into homes that were abusive and some end up on the streets. Ricky came up with the idea to photograph and volunteer at a homeless shelter in New York. So their project would not only raise funds for YAC, but also raise awareness for youth homelessness. This was a cause that EJ was particularly passionate about and he volunteered regularly for a youth shelter at 10th avenue. EJ and Ricky spent every moment except for during Gina's performance talking to each other, by dinnertime they were practically bros. 

Gina's performance was amazing as expected, Nini made sure she cheered the loudest (even louder than EJ), and she even gave Gina a little pre-performance card for good luck. It was a habit she'd formed during her high school theater days, where she would give everyone, even the understudies, an opening night card. Nini always wanted to be supportive of her friends, because she knew they'd do the same for her. Gina was relatively new to the group, so Nini wanted to make sure she feels welcomed and know that she meant a lot to Nini even if they just met a few months ago. Gina leaned her head on Nini's shoulder as they watched Kourt and the boys fight over which appetizer to order. 

"Thanks for being there for me today. You really have a way of lifting people up, Neens." Gina said. 

"Don't worry about it. We're family. We show up for each other." Nini smiled as Gina squeezed her hand. "So you think we'll get the appetizer any time soon?"

"Not a chance." Gina chuckled. "You know those three are going to fight unless one of us steps in." 

"You do it." Nini said. "Ricky's like my Kryptonite. He gives me those puppy eyes and I give in. You're stronger than me." 

Gina sighed and cleared her throat so that the children would pay attention to her. Nini watched in amusement as she gave them a lecture and finally ordered some food for all of them. They really were a family, and Nini couldn't help but think of how lucky she was to have them in her life. The only ones missing were Big Red and Ashlyn, and she was sure that they would fit right in with her New York Family. 

As usual, Ricky and Nini stayed up all night, but they were too tired to walk around the city like last time, so they just stargazed from Nini's balcony. Ricky pulled the brunette into his side as they sat on the chaise and softly kissed her temple. 

"I'm so proud of you." Nini whispered. 

"Why?" Ricky looked at the girl confused. He wasn't sure that there was anything for her to be proud of.

"The project that you're doing with Ethan, it's incredible, and you're such a good role model for him." 

"You think so?" Ricky asked. 

"Of course I do." Nini said squeezing his hand. "You really don't know how great you are, Ricky Bowen." 

"You think too highly of me, Nina Salazar-Roberts." Ricky said tousling her hair. "It was mostly Ethan's idea anyway." 

"Ricky, stop it. You always do this and I have had enough of it." Nini sat up, making Ricky flinch at the loss of contact. "You should acknowledge your own self-worth, and be proud of yourself." 

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