The Terrifying Hulk

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“Doctor Mackenzie?” I heard Nick’s voice in my ear piece. I pushed the tiny button that let’s me reply. 

“I’m fine. We’re okay.” I replied and heard Bruce groaning and strained panting. “We’re okay, right?” he was breathing heavily and I knew what was happening, I also knew that being stuck meant there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to reassure myself and him. But I started crying and didn’t do very well so I concluded to begging. “Hold it in.”

“I CAN’T!” he yelled, his voice as deeper and more violent, nothing like his usual soft and quiet voice. 

“Bruce, please.” I whined, he was literally panting and roaring, he sounded like an angry bear. “We’ll be okay.” his head snapped over and he looked at me, he was turning…green and growing more muscular and larger by the second. 

“GO!” He yelled at me. “GO AWAY! I CAN’T HURT…YOU!”

“You’re not going to! Just think!” I cried. He’d grown so much now that his shirt was ripping. He’d pushed himself as far away from me as he could and his head snapped back again, looking me in the eyes, which, on him, was the only thing left of the real Bruce; of the Bruce that I’m in love with. “Bruce…”I whispered, tears streaking my face as I watched his shirt completely rip off and he bellowed an inhumanly groan. He got up off the floor and walked a few steps, punching a hole in a pure Tungsten wall to the electrical room and pulling out wires. I finally got my foot free and I could tell it was broken. I gasped and Bruce… I mean, the Hulk heard me and slowly turned his huge body around. I ran as fast as I could up the stair that were to my right but the Hulk reached up for me and I jumped just in time over the railing and onto the railed walkway. He grabbed the floor and I grabbed a pipe and swung over to the next stair case just as he pulled it down.

I got to a little corner in between two generators and crouched. I thought I was safe until I heard his heavy footsteps thudding towards my. I tried controlling my breathing to keep it quiet and thought about getting out my gun but it wasn’t worth it, shooting him would only piss him off even more and he wouldn’t even really feel it. I walked along the pathway, looking for a way out. When I turned my head, there he was and I was frozen in fear. He roared in my face, spit flying everywhere and I could feel my hair blowing backwards. I shot the air pipe above him just to stall him as I ran. I found somewhere only meant for the height and size of a human and ran through it, him still following me, busting the glass sides as he ran behind me and when we got to the end I hesitated, which got me knocked through the air and he walked to me, slamming his fist down on my body. I couldn’t move or really breathe much at all, I couldn’t make a sound it hurt so bad. Then, Thor zoomed by with his hammer, knock the both of them through and they started fighting. 

“We are not your enemies, Banner.” I hear Thor say to the Hulk “Try to think!” he said but the Hulk just snarled at him. Things were being smashed around and Thor was being thrown everywhere. He stuck out his hand and waited for his hammer and I came just in time, the Hulk was running up behind him and Thor swung his hammer, knowing the Hulk off his feet, into an airplane. That made Hulk furious and Thor threw his hammer at him, the Hulk tried picking it up but he couldn’t and that made him even angrier. He dug his feet into the ground and pulled up so hard that he busted holes in the concrete floor. I felt my shattered bones start to replace themselves. I heard a jet hovering and then shots being fired. Thor jumped across the room and hovered over me to protect me. The Hulk jumped off the ship and onto the jet then they were out of sight.

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