A Savior

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        I sat on the corner crying,  five years old and I'm already out on the streets. I woke up in a huge pool of my own blood, it was disgusting.  Mom was passed out in the corner and I couldn't find my dad. I was so confused.
    "There, there." I heard an old voice say. "No need to cry." I looked up to see an old man in a wheel chair. Who is this man? "I'm Professor Charles Francis Xavier. But you may call me Professor X if you'd like." he spoke kindly but I still wasn't sure I could trust him. I've always been told not to trust strangers. "Not trusting strangers is a very wise decision." How did he know? Has he been spying on me? "No," he laughed "I haven't been spying on you. I'm reading your mind." he told me. I tried as hard as I could to keep my train of thought still and not think anything but there were way too many questions I had for my head to be thoughtless. "I'll answer all your questions soon enough. There are things I'll need to explain to you about yourself as well. But you must hurry." There was a shiny black car behind him, it was running and I'd wondered how I didn’t hear him pull up. "You were think about too much to hear me." he told me, holding out his hand. I hesitated before taking his hand and letting him roll me to my side of the car. 
    "You mustn't be afraid of me." he told me when he got in the drivers seat and started driving.  Hard rain beat on the windshield and I wondered again how I hadn't heard something so loud, but then thought back to when I wondered about the car, I was probably thinking too much to notice the rain. "Sara." he said simply. "You'll be alright."
    Soon we arrived at a huge black building. There, we were met by a bunch of tall men in black suits and they took me to a room with a big desk. Professor X and I stayed in the room while the men in  the suits left and closed the doors behind them, I heard a click and assuming it was a lock I got scared. 
    "Professor, why-" I started to asked but he cut me off. 
    "To keep the bad guys out… On with the business, Sara do you know what happened to you after  your father finished beating you?" he asked, I shook my head no and sat down in one of the chairs. "You died." he said, there was no use in wondering how I was alive now, I knew he'd tell me. "Something called gamma radiation made it's way into your system, it effected the makeup of your biology. You’re brain’s capacity became unlimited and your senses were strengthened 700%."
    "You're not going to put a needle in me are you?" I asked, shrinking into the chair. I hadn’t understood anything he'd just said, I'd seen what happened to my mom when she gave herself shots and I didn’t want to act like that so I’d always been scared of needles. Professor X laughed softly and shook his head. 
        "No, we won't stick needles in you." he told me. "Come now," he said, rolling over to me and taking my hand. "You must be very tired. You'll need a good night's sleep as tomorrow will be a very long day." he told me.  The Professor opened a door and revealed a room with a bed in it. I'd never slept on a real bed, the floor and a few times I was allowed to sleep on the couch, but never in a bed. "So, you've never slept in a bed? Well, today's your lucky day, go on. You can jump on it too, I won’t tell. But be sure to change into your clean clothes and have a quick shower before you do." he winked at me and as soon as he closed the door, I ran to the bed, pulled on the white pants and t-shirt that was waiting for me, and then jumped up on the bed. When I was tired, I jumped one last time, letting my feet from under me so I'd land lying down. I got under the blankets, making a cocoon around me with them, leaving only a small hole for my face to poke through and quickly fell into the best sleep I'd ever had. 

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