A Brother.

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        I walked into the living roomand sat down on the couch. I played with my fingers until I heard someone come in the front door, it wasn't the sound of clicking heels that would belong to Mrs. Stark or the neat and steady pace of Mr. Stark’s shiny dress shoes, the person's footsteps were sloppy and not at a constant pace.  I jumped over the back of the couch and hid behind it, praying for Maria or Howard to come in and capture the intruder. I was surprised to see that the person looked quite like Howard. I sat and thought about what I could do to get away and before I could do anything, the person was standing in front of me. 

"Oh my God, it's a Gremlin." he gasped. I called for Maria and the person called for their mother. Maria's heels clicked quickly on the white tiles into the living room and pulled both of us around the couch, sitting us down on it. 

"I was going to find you to introduce the both of you but it seems you've already done that." she giggled and pointed to me. "Sara, this is my son, Tony. Tony, this is your new little sister, her name is Sara, and you are to look after her. Now, I’ve gotten to know her a little bit and now you can. She's a little shy," Maria said and petted my hair, "but that’s okay. Your father and I will be gone for two days." she said to Tony more than me, I think. "We'll check in every couple hours and just be nice, okay?" she raised her eyebrows at Tony and then me. 

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded my head yes. 

 “I hate leaving just as you get here, but I have to, so I’ll see you on Tuesday, alright? I love you.” she kissed both of our heads and then left. 

Not long after she left, it started raining. I sat in front of the huge glass window and looked out over the city ad the rain made my vision a little blurry. I'd never seen anything so beautiful. It looked sortof like a picture of the city, except it was melting, or that’s what I thought. Tony was working on something in his room for most of the afternoon, so it was just me with my knees pulled up to my chest watching the melting city and drifting in and out of daydreams. I wondered how I went from such a terrible place to somewhere so magnificent in such a short amount and how lucky I was that someone as amazing Mr. and Mrs. Stark could want me to be part of their family. 

"Hey, Sara…?" An uncertain voice asked, it was Tony. 


"Do you want to… watch a movie or something?"

"Yea! What movies do you have?!"

"Whatever you want to watch." he pulled up a screen with what seemed like every film ever made. I clicked a random one and sat down on the couch with Tony. It was a horror film and I ended up in Tony’s lap, shaking with fear from the thunder outside and from the film. "Shhh," he soothed. "I'm not letting anything hurt you, ever, I promise."

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