Well, Hello.

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“So…” She said after a long time of silence. “Do you still love Bruce?” 

“Yes.” I told her. “I love him.” she let out a long breath and grinned. 

“Thank God, let’s go.” she cleaned up breakfast and we walked out the door, onto the elevator. On  our way I stopped at a McDonalds and got a coffee and egg Mc Muffin. I was peeling the bacon off the sandwich  as we walked down the street. There was a little homeless man on the sidewalk, wrapped in a blanket and sitting on a rope that wrapped around two dirty puppies. I looked to Natasha and she shook her head, I gave her a pleading look and she rolled her eyes. 

“Sir?” I kneeled down beside him and he looked at me. He had a long, grey, matted beard and worn, old, dark brown eyes. I held out the coffee and the sandwich. He didn’t take it. “Go on, I didn’t drink out of it.” I held it closer to him and, slowly, he pulled his hands out of his coat and took the coffee, holding it close to him for warmth. 

“Bless you.” he said. I pulled a fifty out of my pocket and let him pull it from between my fingers. “Do you need any work done?” he asked quietly after taking a small bite of the sandwich. 

“No, sir. You can have it… you need it more than I do.” 

“Thank you.” 

“You’re welcome.” I said, smiling. One of the puppies wagged himself over to me. “Well hello.” I chirped and scratched the puppy behind his ears. 

“Miss?” the man held out the rope that had a puppy at both ends. “You can do more for them than I can.” he told me. I handed him another fifty and told him goodbye, walking back towards Stark Towers with two puppies. One was tall, brown, and skinny, one was short, fat and white with brown blotches.

“Natasha, you have to take my side!” I whined as we walked from the elevator to the couch. I Stepped towards her but she shook her head. 

“No.” she said sternly. “At least not until you wash those rancid mutts!” 

“Hey, they’re not mutts, are you?” I asked, scratching the brown one’s ear. I lead the dogs into our bathroom and closing the door when we entered I sat on the ground beside the two dogs and went through the bag of pet supplies I bought for them. “What do you want to be called?” I asked the tall, skinny one. He wagged his tail and perked his ears. “What about Daley? Do you like that name?” I asked him, untying the rotting rope off them. I opened the door for the shower and closed the dog who is now named Daley in so I could figure what the other would be called. “What about Willow for you?” I picked her up and walked into the shower with her and Daley. Giving them a bath was no easy task, Daley tried eating the soap and Willow didn’t want to get wet. 

Once I’d cleaned them and dried them off, I put collars on both of them and hooked them to their leashes. Willow’s was red and Daley’s was blue. 

“That’s better.” Natasha mumbled as I walked the two dogs back into the living room. 

“Yea, they still look hungry.”

“Feed them.” She said simply, so I did. I sat in between the two as they ate, wondering what kinds of dogs they were. 

“Jarvis, what types of dogs are these?” I said aloud. 

“They both appear to be mutt, ma’am.” his voice came from a speaker to my right.

“Fantastic, thanks Jarvis.” I mumbled sarcastically. 

“You’re welcome.” just as Jarvis said that, Tony and Bruce walked in with Clint  and the Captain but Tony stopped right in his tracks when he saw me sitting in the floor with Daley and Willow. 

“Why are there mutts in my floor?” he asked in a deep voice. I didn’t say anything, I acted like I hadn’t heard him and pet the top of Daley’s head.  “You aren’t keeping them,” he told me, walking over and standing over the puppies and I. “They’re mutts.” he finished. 

“Well, so am I, so that’s all the more reason to keep them.” 

“They could have diseases, Sara. Where did you even get them?” 

“A homeless man.” 

“A homeless man?” 


“Their owners didn’t want them so they put them on the street?”

“Yea, I know how they feel. Mine didn’t want me either.”

“Don’t use your sob story on me, it isn’t fair.” 

“Tony please let me keep them?” I whined, giving him the best puppy dog eyes and holding the puppies close to me. 

“Come on, Stark, let her keep the dogs.” Steve said. 

“Do you want to clean dog crap off my Egyptian carpets.” 

“They wont poop on your carpet, Tony.” I grumbled.

“Tony, you know she can’t resist a stray dog.” Bruce reasoned, causing Clint to nod in agreement along with Natasha and Steve.

“Sara, the first one of the mangy things that shits on my two million dollar carpets will be thrown off the top of this tower, do you understand that?” 

“Anyone who spends two million dollars on carpet deserves to have shit strung all over it.” I said to him as he walked away. I giggled at him and he pointed two fingers at his eyes, then turned three fingers in my direction, then turned back around and walked away. “Looks like you’re staying with us.” I smiled and scratched their heads. “But you better not poop on Uncle Tony’s carpet, because he’ll be angry with you." 

The Invincible Girl and The Giant Green Rage Monster.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz