That's My Secret.

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“Son, just don’t.” Captain said. Clint was driving the jet, which made me a little nervous. Natasha said she’d recalibrated his brain (she hit him really hard in the head) and he wasn’t under Loki’s spell. The city was already being destroyed when we arrived, the Chitauri were already there. 

“Stark, we’re on your three headed northeast.” Natasha said. 

“What, did you stop for drive through?! Swing up Park, I’m gunna lay them out for you.” Just then,  what I’m assuming was the Chitauri, swarmed through Park Avenue, flying right into our line of fire. We  flew by Stark Towers and saw Thor and Loki battling on the roof. Loki shot our jet and we went crashing down, Captain and I hung from the ceiling so we wouldn’t be tossed about and Clint landed it best he could. The back hatch opened and the Captain started shouting orders. There was loud mechanical roaring and then a huge, ugly, monster came from the portal, smashing everything in it’s path. 

“Cap…” I said breathlessly. More of the Chitauri was jumping out of the thing and onto buildings. 

“Stark are you seeing this?” Captain asked. 

“Seeing, still working on believing. Where’s Banner? Has he shown up yet.”


“Just keep me posted.” Tony said. Steve and I made our way behind a taxi with Clint and Natasha. 

“We’ve got civilians still trapped up there.” Clint announced. 

“Loki.” Steve said, looking over the taxi as we heard more booms and explosions. “They’re fish in a barrel down there.” he said as Natasha Shot two fires, killing two of the Chitauri soldiers and Clint shot an arrow at one, killing it also.

“We got this, it’s good. You two go.” Natasha said, looking between Steve and I. 

“You think you can hold them off?” 

“Captain,” Clint said, turning on the rotation in his sheath. “It would be my genuine pleasure.” Steve grabbed my wrist and we jumped over a rail and onto the street below onto a bus.  We ran down the street, both jumping over cars and rubbish that was on the ground. 

“It’s going to be an hour before they can scramble the National Guard.” I heard a cop say. 

“National Guard?!” the other one exclaimed. 

“Does the army know what’s happening here?!” the first one screamed. I motioned for Steve to follow me and we ran over to the cops. 

“Do we?” 

“You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they’re going to be running right into the line of fire.” 

“Take them all to the basement or to the subway, you keep them off the street.” I said urgently. 

“I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.”

“Why the hell should I take orders from you two?” the first cop asked as something exploded behind us. Steve and I looked at each other and we both fought of five Chitauri soldiers as the cops watched in astonishment. When we were finished, the cop started giving his men orders that we had given to him. 

“Well, we got his attention.” Tony’s voice was in my earpiece. 

“Yea, and what the hell is step two?” I asked as Steve and I jumped back over the railing towards Natasha and Clint. Two Chitauri soldiers were heading towards Clint as he shot on in front of him. Cap and I jumped off the car we were standing on and took them down just before they reached him. Captain was knocking them out with his shield and I was pulling out wires in the back of their heads. While he was falling from the sky, Thor struck five or six with lighting from his hammer. 

“What’s the story upstairs?” Steve asked. 

“The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.” Thor answered. 

“Thor’s right. We gotta deal with these guys.” Tony’s voice said as he flew over us. 

“How do we do this?” Natasha yelled over the noise. 

“As a team.” 

“I have unfinished business with Loki.” Thor announced.

“Yea? Well get in line.” Clint said angrily, cleaning the tip of an arrow. 

“Save it.” Steve put his arm out. “Loki’s going to keep this fight focused on us and that’s what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We’ve got stark up top, he’s going to need us to…” Steve started to say but he stopped talking when he hear the motorcycle behind us. It was Bruce.

“So, this all seems horrible.” he said, walking over to us from his bike. 

“I think Sara’s seen worse.” Natasha said, talking about my broken body. She was really upset about that. 

“I’m sorry.” 

“But, we could use a little worse.”

“Stark, we got him.” Steve said.


“Just like you said.”

“Then tell him to suit up, I’m bringing the party to you.” Tony said,  flying around the skyscraper on the end of the street, the huge monster flying behind him, knocking down buildings on both sides of the street.

“I-I don’t see how that’s a party.” Natasha said hoarsely. 

“Doctor Banner, now might be a good time to get angry.” Steve told him and Bruce looked back at us as he was walking away.

“That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.” 

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