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“Please, just let me see her! It’s been four days. You‘ve kept her sedated for four days!” raspy voice pleaded outside my door, I looked at him and  watched two male nurses shake their heads at him. He looked past them at me, he looked sad, so I got up and walked to the door, opening it and tapping the nurse’s shoulder. He turned around and looked down at me, I nodded my head and reached between the two and wrapped my hand around the man’s wrist, pulling him into my room and shutting the door. 

He stood close to me, holding my arms right above my elbows. “Were we really married?” I mouthed. 

“Yes! Look!” he said, holding my hand up, showing me two rings; one with a pretty diamond on top and one silver wedding band. He slid his off and looked at me while he took mine off and showed me the inside of both of them. Mine had ‘Bruce’ engraved on the inside and his had ‘Sara’ inside. He pulled out a photograph of he and I kissing. My hair was in a long complicated looking braid and I had a white dress on, he had on a black tuxedo and there was little white pieces of rice in both of our hair, we were both smiling. “That was the best day of my life.” he said, maybe more to himself than to me as he stared down at the picture. “I love you.” he said, sliding my ring back on and holding my hand. I felt like crying again, I’m remembering three and four pictures of things at one time. 

“I do.” I smiled. 

Then a bright flash of white light and a pain on the top right side of my forehead. I put my hand against it to help stop pain but it felt like my skull was crushing. I fell to the floor and the man sat with his legs crossed on the ground and put his back against the door before pulling me into his lap, cradling me.

The green giant smashed my head into a kitchen table and roared. 

I made tight fists around the fabric of his t-shirt.

“Scream for him.” the harsh voice demanded and slammed his fist down on the table.

I gave in and cried as I let him slowly pull me to him. I cried silently and he rocked me back and forth. 

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?” I asked him in a soft voice, using my thumbs to wipe his wet cheeks. “They died.” was all he said. “What?” I asked, sitting up and looking down at him only to be pulled back. “Who died Tony, what are you talking about?” “Mom and Dad.” he said. “They died. In a car crash.”

“Bruce.” I said hoarsely. I heard his head fall against the door and his breath hitched and he was crying soon as well. He kept kissing my head and telling me he loved me. I didn’t know what to do. I knew I loved him too, but I didn’t know why.

“There, there.” I heard an old voice say. “No need to cry.” 

“Help.” I cried quietly to Bruce, pushing my head hard against his chest. 

“Tony.” I said, pushing in the small button. “Tony, do we still have those neuc’s.”

“Yea why?” he asked, but I think he figured it out because he started talking again. “No, no, no.” 

“Tony, it’s going to save everyone. The whole planet.” I told him. “Please.” 

“Please!” I screamed with my hands on my ears.

"Phil Coulson is dead."

 I heard the nurses knocking on the door and Bruce trying to sooth me. In a last attempt to calm me down, he started humming a song. It worked and I sat there like that, probably four hours, watching flashbacks. My birth father beating me to death that night, both of them either drunk or high, Professor X finding me, Tony telling me mom and dad had died, waking up in a pool of my own blood after my first suicide attempt. 

“Why did I do that?” I asked. “Why didn’t I die?” 

“What do you mean?” 

“I keep seeing myself on the floor in a puddle of blood.” 

“You can’t die, Sara, that’s why Loki wanted you, he wants to be invincible.” I shuttered at the mention of the man’s name. Bruce held my head down to his chest and hugged me some more. “Just breathe, honey, you’ll be okay.” a few hours later Bruce told me he’d take me home, that he was staying there any way and we could come back in the morning, Nick Fury cleared me to go home tonight and Tony and Bruce to go with me. A doctor gave Tony a sedative but he shook his head.

“It won’t work.” was all Tony had to say.

“This is enough knockout juice to put an elephant in Neverland for a week, she should be able to get a few hours of sleep in with this.” the doctor said and Tony snatched it from the guy. Tony drove us home and held my hand while we sat on my bed, waiting for Bruce to give me the shot that was supposed to help me sleep. 

“Why do I have to have so much?” I whispered to Tony and kept my eyes on Bruce, watching his every move and hoping something he did would trigger something and help me remember who everyone was. 

“Everyone’s body fights off foreign things, but the way the gamma radiation effected your body was enhancing your ability to fight off things, meaning nothing really effects you.” 

“Oh…” I mumbled and Bruce wiped the underside of  my arm. “Tony did I hate shots?” I asked warily. He nodded and I looked to the ceiling. 

“Don’t worry, Brucey here won’t hurt you. He wouldn’t dare.” Tony laughed. “Not with me around any way.” he said proudly, making me laugh. 

“I wouldn’t hurt you.” Bruce said quietly. “Just be really still, okay?” He said, leaning over close to me and putting the needle near my arm. “It’s just going to pinch.” 

“Okay.” I said and gritted my teeth. 

The Invincible Girl and The Giant Green Rage Monster.Where stories live. Discover now