The Battle Of Manhattan

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        The Hulk punched the monster right at it’s front, steel breaking off of it and since he’d stopped it so quickly, it doubled and flipped over, giant parts of metal flying everywhere. Clint grabbed Natasha and the hid behind a car, Steve wrapped his arm around my waist and covered me with his shield. When the metal stopped falling we all stood, Thor with his hammer, Bruce as the Hulk, Natasha and I with our guns, Cap with his shield, Clint with his bow, and Tony in his suit of armor. Of course, as we’d thought it was mostly over, they started filing out of the portal, for that one that we’d just killed there were ten or eleven more to replace it. 

“Alright, listen up. Until  we can close that portal up there priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks out you turn it back or you turn it to ash.” Captain ordered. 

“Can you give me a lift?” Barton asked Tony. 

“Right, better clench up, Legolas.” was Tony’s answer. 

“Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightening, light the bastards up.” 

“Natasha, Sara, you two and me are staying here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And Hulk,” Captain said, Hulk snarled and turned to us. “Smash.” He jumped up the side of a building and totaled one of the Chitauri soldiers. I heard Clint and Tony having a conversation in my ear but I didn’t really pay much attention since I was riding the back of one of the soldiers, trying to pull the wires from its head. I was right beside Natasha, we’d both been pinned to the same car, she nodded her head at me and we both pushed up onto the Chitauri and pulled their plugs, stealing their weapons and turning around, pointing them at Cap. He held p his shield and we lowered the weapons. 

“Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don’t close that portal.” Natasha sighed. 

“Our biggest guns couldn’t touch it.” he told her. 

“Well, maybe it’s not about guns.” she said, looking at the portal. 

“If you’re going to get up there, you’ll need a ride”

“I’ve got a ride. I could use a boost though.” 

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yea.” she assured hoarsely. “It’s going to be fun.” 

Steve held up his shield and Natasha ran, jumped off a car, onto his shield and up into the air, grabbing one of the Chitauri that were flying above us and it took of with her hanging from it. 

“Looks like it’s just you an me, Cap.” I said.

“I wouldn’t say that.” he looked to our right, seeing five or six soldiers heading towards us. I ran onto a flipped taxi, shoving the weapon I took earlier down the back of one of them, killing it. Cap killed two and I took down three with the zapper thing. 

“Captain, the back on 42nd past Madison. They’ve cornered a lot of civilians in there.” I heard Clint say. 

“I’m on it.” Steve almost growled. He was gone for a short amount of time and then he fell right in front of me. 

“Steve!” I yelled. 

“I’m okay! I’m fine!” He  said, his mask was gone and soon, so was he. He left me to fight on m own but I can do better than that. I think I know how to win. But this might be the thing that actually kills me.

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