Chapter 7

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"I'm just fine," she said. "Well, then how'd you happen to come by?" "Well, you're my boyfriend. So I thought I could visit you," she said. I smiled. "Well, yeah, you can. But that's not what I'm asking you." "That's what you asked me." "Okay, fine." "Well, you refused to kiss me last night." "What do you mean, I refused?" I didn't even remember her coming here. How the fuck did I refuse? What the fuck did I do? "Well, you said... that there's someone else who you love and you couldn't kiss me." Someone I... what? "Love? Are you joking?" "Yeah, you couldn't recognize me, either." "Hold on... I was high." "Yeah, well, secrets come out when you're intoxicated." She was right about that. But then why'd she stayed? Did my words not affect her at all. "Well, you said that... there's a girl named..." Names? I took a name. Fuck me, right, left and center. "Elize," she muttered and her face broke into a smile. She almost burst out laughing. I stared at her for a moment. I'd told her that I loved her. She was playing with me but more importantly... I loved her? "Elize, this isn't funny," I muttered. "Well, you should've seen yourself last night. I've never seen someone so high and fucking adorable." "Well, I... no, I mean, you scared me." "I know that was the point. Abel, are you still high?" "No, I don't think so, Elize." I felt... happy that I hadn't hurt her. Happiness. Man, I wanted to laugh at myself. All this fucking success didn't make me feel happy and now I was happy cause I told a girl I loved her. Fuck me. Straight up. I should've gotten high around her sooner. She leaned in and kissed me before I could think of it.

She left a while later. She had work and I jumped in the shower. The one thing that bugged me was that she didn't tell me that she loved me. She probably never would. She wasn't one of those girls. She didn't roll that way. But neither did I. It came out of me though. The truth did. I was trying to run away from that shit and it came back to bite me in the ass. Well, now that she knew it... there was nothing that I could do. Maybe she couldn't say it, the way I couldn't but that seemed unlikely. If she wanted so say something, if she wanted something to happen, she'd make it happen. I knew that much. I just hoped that she understood where I was coming from and how I felt.

As I sat at home, taking the day off, I tried not to think of her but it was difficult not to think of her. Especially after what I'd said. Was she really happy about it? Had she stayed only because she thought that if I remembered, I'd be hurt or something? I mean, seriously, it didn't even matter but... who was going to control her. She wasn't made to be controlled, she wouldn't be controlled. She was a free spirit. I knew that from the moment we sat together on that plane. I rubbed my face hoping that I'd remove my thoughts with the help of it but nothing changed. I still thought about it and I still worried.

I went to the studio that evening, her thoughts still clouding my mind. There weren't too many people around and I was glad for it. I didn't like the attention. I never have. But there was too much of it on me now. There was too many sightings and too many words. Even too many awards and too many performances and as much as I appreciate all of it, as much as I may have enjoyed it, as important as it was to me, it didn't make me happy. Neither did money. People don't lie when they say that sometimes, the world is not enough. I felt that way around her. I would never get her and then the world would still never be enough. If I sold out a million concerts and she wasn't there for it, I'd be... impressed but not happy. I wasn't happy now either. Her silence spoke too much for me to be happy about it. There was no love lost between us but we weren't exactly in love either. Well, I was... but unrequited love is not... true love. It's like fame, she pretends to love me. I decided to check out the new material than to waste time.

Working harder than I should have, she was finally gone from that hellhole of a mind that I occupied. I was faded and I was at my best when I was faded. Everyone knew that. I leaned back against my chair and decided to call it a night. I got up and walked out of the room, towards the lounge. My arms were hurting for no reason and I just wanted to sleep this shit off. "Hey Abel," I heard someone say. I turned around to see a tall girl standing there. I recognized her but only barely. "Um... hi," I said. "It's Tiffany," she said. She walked into the brighter light. Her red hair was blazing and I could see her green eyes under it. She was wearing a short black dress and heels. "Um... right, need anything?" "Well, I need you." "For what?" I muttered. I could see where this was going. I backed away from her. "You know what, Abel." "Well, you should leave because I'm all out," I muttered and turned around. "Don't be like that." "I'm not being anything." "Then what is it? We had fun the other night." "When was the other night?" I asked her. I hadn't slept with any girl other than Elize and that blonde in London in over four months. "Like six months ago." "Well, that's not the other night. Go home, Tiffany. I've got places to be." "Right, who with then?" "I have a girlfriend. Leave," I muttered. She rolled her eyes at me. "A girlfriend? Abel Tesfaye," she snorted. "The Weeknd has a girlfriend. It rhymes but it doesn't go well together, obviously. Don't lie, Abel. Don't lie." "I'm not lying to you. I don't know what I'd get from it either. Leave, Tiffany," I snarled. "Oh, Abel, why're you being this way?" "Leave, please," I muttered before turning back around and walking towards the elevator. "Don't be a hypocrite, Abel," she called out. "I'm not anymore," I called back.


Some thrills are not meant to be relived. I walked down the road, feeling sick as hell. Daniel's arm was around my waist and my arm was around him shoulder. "Maybe no more rollercoasters." "Yeah," I muttered. I felt absolutely rotten for even thinking that was a good idea. Because it wasn't. I felt sicker than hell. I let go of his shoulder when we came to my building. "OK, thanks, Daniel," I said. "Are you sure you'll be fine?" "Yeah," I said. I wasn't so sure but I wasn't about to take him up to my house. I'd manage somehow. I pushed the lobby door and almost fell in but gripped the corner. "Whoa, Miss, are you fine?" I heard someone say. "I'm sick," I murmured. "Um... do you need help?" "Yes," I said. The lady agreed and took my hand and helped me to the elevator. She pressed the button and I pressed my forehead to the wall. I hoped that the cool would wash away the rotten feeling I had now. My stomach was growling and churning and my body was heaving. I wondered if it wasn't just that I was sick but also that... Abel, was... in love with me. Did I love him?


I saved you. I didn't give the plot twist that I wanted to. dammit. but you're in for it in the next chapter. and well, someone requested that they do the business. lol. That's also coming in the next chapter. don't worry about it folks.

hope this wasn't too shitty for an update. now that she knows... she's just "sick" lol. :P

take care.


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