Chapter 9

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I didn't trust myself anymore but I wasn't going to cheat on her. I didn't care if we were over but I wasn't going to distract myself with pussy. There were other ways to do it. I leaned back against the chair at the studio. Surrounded by the crew, I stopped thinking about her and I stopped feeling guilty. My heart stopped hurting. I almost felt like I did before I fell for her. I worked hard... on my music. I worked hard because there was nothing better to do.

It was 3AM when I heard a knock on the door. It'd been three days since I'd seen her. There were no calls, messages or anything from her. "Come in," I called. I heard the creak of the door but the person didn't say anything and so, I turned around. "Hey Abel," Elize whispered. She looked... fine. She looked like nothing had happened. Of course she did. It wasn't like I mattered. And she looked hot. She was in all black. Her hair all natural. "Elize," I muttered, trying to control myself. "Um... I'm sorry I came here. I've been to your apartment a couple of times... um... you weren't there," she said. "Yeah, don't pay it no mind," I muttered. She nodded. "Did you want something?" "No, not really... I guess, I just wanted to see you." "See me?" "Yeah, I just... you know, this is stupid," she said, with a laugh. "What is?" "Me, coming here... this situation is stupid." "Well, I... if you think so," I muttered. "Yeah, I do. I'll... leave," she said. "You can stay. I don't mind." "Yeah, I know you don't mind." "Well, I don't, Elize. I don't love you any less. My feelings won't... change. I'm not that much of a flake." She pursed her lips. "Well, um... Abel, I don't want you to... I just got... jealous," she muttered. "Jealous?" "Yeah, of that... girl. I... guess, I felt like you were embarrassed to be seen with me..." I stared at her for a moment. Jealous? She couldn't possibly be saying that she was affected by all of this. Embarrassed? "Elize... I could never be embarrassed of you." "Um... well, I was wrong about a lot." "And...?" "Well, I'm sorry. I know... we can't be together. I know you've had enough..." "Why don't you sit down?" I told her. "No, that's fine. But... look, Abel, I may feel the same about... you. But I can't tell you. I'm sorry, Abel, I really am," she said. And then I saw tears in her eyes. "I'll... see you later," she croaked out before blazing out of the room. I just stood there like a dumbfuck unable to process what had happened. Unable to process what she'd just said.

I didn't go after her. I couldn't. I was... afraid. To be hurt and to trust her. I had issues. I knew that. But she was worse. There was nothing to do about it. My head hurt, my eyes hurt. I hadn't slept in a while, I hadn't smoked in a while. I wrapped up around five in the morning and walked out. She'd creeped back into my mind and I need to sleep her off. I walked down to the pavement and started walking towards my apartment. I hoped that she would be there. I hoped that I'd get to touch her and kiss her and fuck her. But she wouldn't, I knew that and she wasn't. I walked in to my apartment and changed and crept into bed not brooding over her absence. It was time to sleep.

I woke up, my arms and head aching and my doorbell was ringing. I climbed out of bed, not bothering to put on a shirt and walked to the door. I opened it up. "Hey Abel, you left this at the studio," Ray muttered. He had my phone in his hand. I took it from him, thanked him and shut the door. I went back to bed. I was too motherfucking tired to process life. It was only eight in the morning. I hoped that I wouldn't think of her any longer but she was taking up the throne in my mind. I couldn't sleep after that. I couldn't fall asleep and I needed her. I needed to talk to her and I needed to hear her voice. I put on a shirt and then a sweatshirt, shoes and then walked out, towards her house. I just needed to hear her voice. I'd be fine after that. I knew that I would. I took a few shortcuts to get there and she opened after I rang the doorbell three times. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I heard her call out. She threw the door open. "Um... hey," I said. "Hey... Abel," she said. "Well, I... I wanted to see you. Are you free?" "I was getting ready for work." "It's a Saturday," I said. "Well, I... I work everyday. I've nothing else to do. Come in," she said. I walked inside and she closed the door behind me. The place was perfect as always. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. Her hair was in a ponytail and she looked great. "Um... well, I just wanted hear your voice." "You could've called," she said. "I know... I guess, I wanted to see you as well." "Again, you could've called." "In person..." "I rest my statement," she said with a smile. She looked like the carefree Elize I'd fallen for. "Um... well, okay, how're you?" "I'm not fine, Abel. How about you?" "Same here," I said. "Well, um... you don't mind if I get ready while we talk, right?" "No, not really." She smiled and walked into her bedroom and I followed her. She put on a pair of high heeled boots and then a jacket. She'd straightened her hair but she still looked fine. I leaned against the door and watched her look for things and throw things inside her purse. I couldn't help thinking about what she'd look like without all those clothes. I imagined pulling her hair back and bending her over and then I stopped. I looked away.

"Well, um... I guess, I'm ready to go," she said. "How're you getting there?" "Um... I'm taking my mobike," she said. "Oh, well," I said. "Okay, I'll see you," she said as we walked out. She turned and put her arms around my neck and hugged me. I put mine around her waist, pulling her closer. I wanted her, right then and there. She pulled away a few moments later. "Elize," I muttered before kissing her and holding her to me. I reached down and grabbed her ass and she moaned. She tossed her bag aside and I started slide her jacket off, pushing her up against the wall. I moved to her jaw and then her throat. I gripped the edge of her shirt and then tugged it. I pulled it over her head. She started to take my sweatshirt off and I let her. She was wearing black lace under. I undid her bra as we moved to the floor. We got the clothes out of the way, barely managing to stay away while we were at it. Her lips found my chest and her hands wove around my waist. I slid down and bent down to eat her out. I moved to fingers in as I flicked my tongue along it. She moaned, gripping my hair. I started pulling in and out of her while eating her sweetness. "Abel," she moaned, arching her back, pushing that lovely herself further up in my mouth. I felt her come around my fingers and then pulled out to taste. I sat up to watch her. I was already hard as I slid inside of her. "Oh, no..." She moaned, loudly as I started to thrust, slowly. I bent down to suck her as she pulled me up to kiss her. I increased the speed and she bit down on my lip. I grinned as she opened her eyes. She looked like I'd offended her. "Abel," she muttered. She kissed me again as I sped up. Leaving all premise of gentleness. I started pounding her, harder and harder. I wasn't used to being slow but I'd do anything to see that hungry look she'd given me before. As I started to thrust faster, she got louder and her nails dug into my back and then she pulled them down my back. I started to suckle her skin and then bit her shoulder, hoping to leave a mark. I moved to the other shoulder and then to her throat. I moved down to her chest as I pounded her. She was getting louder and I kissed her to calm her down. Her tongue found mine and she moved her hand up to grip my head. I didn't stop. I knew I'd make her come a couple of times before I stopped. "I'm gonna come," she murmured, against my mouth. "Mhm," I said and slowed down. I started rubbing her clit and I felt her explode around me. She pressed into me. I flipped us around, letting her ride me now. She bent down, placing her hand on my shoulder blades, moving up and down on me. I gripped her waist and started to thrust into her, harder and harder. "Abel, how many times are you going to make me cum?" She asked me. "As many times as I can," I said. This time though, we came together. I moved her back onto her back and kept thrusting for a few more minutes before pulling out. She moved towards me, she wanted to go down on me and I let her.

We lay on the floor, wrapped up in each other. I stroked her hair as she slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up in my bed and he was underneath me. His arm was around me and my legs entangled with his. I looked up at him and he seemed to be sleeping. What had happened? Why had he changed his mind? More importantly, why'd he fucked the living shit out of me? I felt my arms and legs ache because of it. I gently removed his hand to sit up but I was so sore that every part of my protested against it. I got up and walked towards the washroom but the mirror on my dresser caught my eye. I looked at my reflection and noticed reddish purple bruises across my throat and chest. There was one on the side of my neck and one blatantly on my throat. They trailed down to my left nipple. Hickeys. Abel had given me hickeys. I smiled at my reflection. Crazy idiot had given me hickeys. I went into the washroom and washed up before putting on a shirt and moving back to bed, into his arms. Where I wanted to be.


So, that's your chapter. I wanted to separate the plot twist and this. Let me remind you that this isn't going to change anything that's happened. In fact, this might make it worse... I'm not sure about AbeLize anymore. They've gone nuts. :p

Also, you'll ask me what happened to the language why are they doing it this way. But it's just that. when I tried to make it dirtier, it kept getting made private and in that case many of you couldn't read it. :(

Take care.


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