Chapter 18

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~And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb.

And, she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come.

All the misery is necessary, when we're deep in love~

I looked back at the screaming crowd and gave them a smile. Finally, I was done. If I didn't have to, I don't think I would've come on stage to perform. It didn't make sense to most people, but this wasn't for me. I was better off in the studio, I was better off within four walls, how I started out.

I walked back out of the stage, the crowd cheering behind me and the crew, in front of me, with smiles on their faces. I walked back to my room, trying not to think about things other than music. Sometimes, I questioned if this was all that was left of my life and if there was nothing else left for me to do.

"Abel," I heard someone say and I looked up. Roy was looking into the room, he smiled.

"Yeah, man?"

"There's a fan here to see you," he said.

"Sure, send them in," I murmured and waited.

The next face that I saw, was not the one I was expecting. It was the guy talking to Elize on the day of the shoot. Her ex boyfriend, Rasheed James.

"Hey," I said, and I was sure that I looked shocked as fuck.

"Hey, I'm a huge fan. What's up?" He said.

"That's great to hear. What's your name?"

"Rasheed James. When you dropping the new album, man?"

I laughed. "Wish I had a date to give you. But, you know, the fall doesn't seem too bad a choice."

"We been waiting since last fall."

"It's... a process, we're still working on."

"Yeah, I get that, man. So, not to be rude, but what about an autograph?"

"Sure, no problem."
He pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket, and handed it to me.

"My ex girlfriend is a huge fan of yours."

"Yeah?" I muttered and pretended to concentrate on signing.

"Yeah, she says you know her. Her name's Elize Cross..."

My head shot up involuntarily and he grinned. I was caught, we were caught. But that didn't make sense, we weren't going anything wrong.

"So, you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend," I told him, with a grin.

"Oh..." He trailed off and I handed the paper back to him.

"Yeah... she never told me. Guess, you weren't exclusive then, huh?"

"We don't go around broadcasting things."

"Yeah, since most people don't know, I'd think that's the case. Did you meet her family?"

"Since her dad passed away, I was unable to meet him. I did meet her mom, though."

"How long you been going out?"

"Rasheed, you'd better ask her, don't you think?"

"Yeah, man, you're right," he said, with a grin.

He stood and I followed suit.

"Keep doing your thing," he said. "Get that album the fuck out."

He walked out after that and I just turned around. Was he always that smooth? Was that his thing with Elize? He did seem exactly like her type. He was a lawyer, smooth talker, hard worker, charming, he was on her level.

She seemed more like the type to end up with someone like him. Someone who worked to make big money, the same as her and was the best in what they did. They seemed perfect for each other, leaving me looking like a child stuck in a maze, doing things he barely got introduced to. I didn't grow up with money and everything was still too new to be cared about. No one really fucked with me yet.

I out of the room and towards the garage. "Abel," I heard a female voice call out.

I turned around and Elize was standing there, waving at me. I waved back and she walked towards me, quickening her pace.

"Hey babe," she said and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey," I muttered.

"You were amazing. Do you want to meet my friends?"

"Um... I was heading home."

"Come on, just meet them. They love you."

"Elize... I think I want to get home."

"Come on, Abel, Rasheed's here too," She said and grinned.

"Rasheed came with you?"

"Yeah, he said he came up to meet you and he accused me of being a bad friend cause I didn't get him backstage passes through my "boyfriend"," she said, holding her hands up to make quotes when she said boyfriend.

"OK," I muttered.

"Abel, what's wrong? They're so excited to meet you."

"Some other time, yeah? I'll see you later, Elize."

"Abel, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright. But I will be, once I get home."

"Abel, just... come meet my friends, I told you they'd be here. You agreed to meet them. Don't do this to me."

"Do what? Embarrass you?"

"No, not embarrass me. Just... don't leave me hanging. I've been... dying to have you meet them."

"Elize, why didn't you tell Rasheed about us?"

"I told him I was seeing someone, I didn't say it was you because, I wasn't sure you'd want me to," she said, her eyes getting wider with each word.

"Is that the only reason you didn't tell him it was me?"

"What other reason could there be Abel? I love you and I'm glad... that we don't have to hide. Because, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hiding, Abel. I love you too much to hide it."

I stared at her for a moment. She gushed the words, like she was dying to get them out of her system, like she'd strangled them in there. Her lips quivered and she looked away.

"Elize, let's go meet them."

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Yeah, let's go. I'll go home after and you're coming with me, right?"

"Sure," she whispered and planted her lips on mine.

She wasn't too much shorter than I was in her heels. She was already 5'8, without them. She wrapped her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer. Fuck yeah, I was here for this.


So, Abel and Elize, huh?
There's just one issue, I don't know what to do now. Should I end the fanfic? I mean, they're exclusive??

I want to write a couple more chapters though... I'm not sure. Anyway, maybe I'll end with twenty chapters or end right here...

Leave some love, leave some comments and likes and message me your thoughts. Tell me whatever you want me to add to this story, I'm definitely open to ideas. If you want a plot twist or to change what I wrote. I can do that.

Be sure to tell me, okay?

Lots of love.


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