Chapter 19

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There was a lot hidden from me still. I still wanted to know so much. I waited below her apartment for a while until she rushed out and into my arms.

"Abel," she whispered.

"Hey babe," I murmured.

But she was breathing heavy and grabbing on to me, too tight. Her arms were almost uncomfortable. She buried her face in my neck and I wrapped my arms around her body, only to find that she was wearing just a shirt.

"Elize," I murmured. She pulled away and stepped back.

That's when I saw her face. There was dried blood around her lip, her left eye was black and her her arms had the same dried blood on them and I could see cuts beneath, her shirt was torn a little from the side, her knees were scraped and so was the rest of her leg.

"What happened?" I asked her, starting to realize that she hadn't called me to hang out.

"I was getting home and..."

"Let's go inside. Is your house safe?" I asked her and she nodded in response.

I put my arm around her and helped her across the pavement and to her lobby. What the hell happened? I was suppressing the first, worst thing that came to my mind. I couldn't imagine her... ugh, this was fucked.

We entered her apartment and she turned around to me.

"Did they mug you? Is that what happened?"

"No, it was strange. They just... hit me. They just hit me really hard."

She wasn't actually wearing a shirt, it was a dress. It was torn, in all the wrong places and it looked, fucked. She leaned forward and I put my arms around me.

"Did you report it? Have you called the cops, Elize?" I asked her.

"Should I? I don't know who they were. I don't know anything."

"Elize, don't be an idiot. I'm calling the cops."

"Abel, they did say something..."


"They said, 'Stay away from him. He's ours'," she said and pulled away.

"Wait... were they...? Elize, were they... talking about me?"

"I think that's it."

"Elize... I... I'm so sorry. I... fuck!"

"No, I'll go... shower," she murmured and turned around.

"Elize," I whispered and grabbed her arm and she winced.

"What?" "I'll come with."


I felt a tongue, soft lips and hands around me, when I woke up. I groaned, softly and looked down at Elize. She winked. Her big eyes looked up at me and that's how the morning started.

Just a dream, I told myself as she went harder and faster.

"Fuck Elize," I murmured and she looked back up at me. Her eyes held mine until I came and she kept stroking it as she came back up to kiss me. I kissed her back and moaned against her lips.

"Are you tired?" She murmured.

"Yeah, blown out," I whispered back. She grinned in response, before closing her eyes and bending down to kiss me, as she let go.

"Maybe, I could return the favor..." I asked her.

"Maybe, next time," she said, and sat back up, on my torso.

"I like the sound of that. How about a shower?"

"How about a bath?"

That was one of the worse dreams I've had. I wish I didn't have to have that dream. I didn't want it to be reality. I always feared such a thing happening. I knew fans crazy enough to do things like, hell I feared that Elize was a fan like that but she was way to composed to let it show.

She was wearing black lace again and she bent over the bathtub to make sure the water was warm. Fuck! She looked perfect. I wanted her to just stay there. Just stand that way for a while. I started to get hard again and she stood back up and started taking off her top.

"Elize," I murmured. She slid her bra off before turning around.


"I can't feel my face, when I'm with you. But I love it..." I joked. She rolled her eyes at me and smiled back.

She hadn't been too mysterious for a while but the two things that kept manifesting themselves in my thoughts and also my dreams, now, were: what happened the evening of the shoot? Why was she crying? And would we be the same if I told the world?

"Stop thinking," she murmured and looked up to find her sliding the panties to the floor, her back facing me. She bent over again and...

She leaned back against me in the tub and I put my hand around her and on her torso.

"Hey, I'm going to London next week," she informed me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Work, of course. It's not going to be good this time. Hard work and pain in the ass."

"That's life, right?" I muttered.

"Yeah, that's life. So, what're you doing next week?"

"Performing, mostly," I told her and kissed her neck.

"Yeah? Release that stupid album, Tesfaye. I'm telling you," she muttered.

"Want me to sing something new?"

"Hell no! When you release it, I'm gonna buy a copy."

"Why?" I asked her. It seemed crazy that she'd buy it.

"Uh... cause, I earned it?" She joked.

"What the...? You don't need to buy, do you?"

"I do. I need to buy it, Abel. Plus, I'll wait in line to get your autograph."

"How many times have you waited in line before?"

"A couple, why?"

"Nothing, just asking," I murmured, wondering, how many times I missed her. How many times did we meet before I knew her? How many times did she smile at me before I knew her smile as mine? Did we meet when she was with Rasheed.

"Did you come out for Kissland?"

"I came out for a shit ton of stuff. I behave like a teenage fangirl when it comes to your concerts. But I earn the money that I spend," she said and put her hand over mine.

"Um... did you come out for Trilogy too?"

"For more than one concert."

"I'm dating a real XO girl, huh?"

~Oh, your mind wants to leave but you can't go.~


Hey, if you know the song which this lyric is from, without googling it, tell me. ;)

He's amazing, ain't he? How's the chappy?

Leave some love... I love ya, babes.


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