Chapter 15

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I was standing near her car, waiting for her to come down and I hoped that she hadn't chickened out.

After about five minutes, she came out, looking straight down and in all black. "Elize," I called out. She looked up and smiled, weakly and then started to walk towards me.

"Why not sit inside?" She asked me. "I don't feel like." "Okay, then," she murmured and walked towards the driver's door. "Why are you driving?"

"If you've forgotten that you can't, I just reminded you."

I grinned and walked over to the passenger's side and slid in.

We'd argued a little but it was nice to see that she'd agreed, to see that she'd taken me seriously.

She started the car and backed out of the spot. "I hope she won't be pissed," she murmured.

"Why would she?"

"Because, I ignored her."

"What do you mean? Did you avoid her calls?"

"Yeah," she admitted. "For the past two months, I've been avoiding her calls."

"Well, that's alright. She's your mother. She'll understand."

"I hope that she will. We've never been too close."

I nodded, not wanting to ask any questions. It was her family and none of my business, that was fact.

We reached the building in about fifteen minutes and she pulled into what was labelled as the 'Guest Spot' below.

I climbed out of the car and after a few moments of deep breaths and persuading herself, so did she.

We walked to the elevator and I hoped that she was ready for the conversation.


As we walked to the elevator, I prayed to be ready to face her.

I pressed the button to the penthouse and typed in the code.

Soon, I was outside her door and breathing heavier than I was before. And I was breathing pretty heavily before.

Abel took my hand and I looked up at him, with a smile.

I rang the doorbell and after a few moments, my mother opened it, with a smile of her own.

"Elize," she said, excitedly, and wrapped her arms around me. "Mom," I whispered and hugged her with my free arm.

After a few moments, she pulled away, with a huge smile still on her face.

"Who's this?" She asked me.

"Um... this is Abel," I told her.

"Oh? Hello, I'm Diana Cross," she said, with a smile.

Abel immediately started to cough and I looked away, suppressing my smile.

"Are you okay, kid?" "Yes, ma'am, just fine," he said and a few moments later, stood up straight.

"So, come in," she said and we went inside.

"Seriously?" He muttered. "What?" "Diana?" I shrugged.

We followed my mum to the couch.

"So, Abel, what do you do?" "I'm in music." "Ah, what kind?" "Alternative R&B," He told her. "You're a singer?" "Yes, ma'am, but I also write, compose, produce music."

"Oh, that sounds good. Do you have a different stage name, then?" "The Weeknd," He told her. She smiled and nodded.

"How're you doing, Mrs Cross?" He asked her. "I'm... better. How are you?" "I'm... okay." She nodded. "And, you, Elize?" "I'm okay, mom. I've been better though." That caused her to smile.

"So, are you two dating?" She asked me. "Yes," Abel responded before I could say anything else. "Oh, that's great. How long now?" "Over seven months," I told her.

"Oh? And, you didn't bother to tell me?" "Sorry, ma," I murmured. "Of course, that would mean you talk, communicate and respond." "Mom, I'm sorry. What else can I say?"

She rolled her eyes. "You've grown up too much, that's all I have to say. You're 27 now, you don't talk to your mother, only visited your father. What is the deal?" "Mom, can you be nice?" I muttered.

She looked up at Abel and frowned. "You brought the kid as a buffer, didn't you?"

"Mom," I murmured. "Don't mom me, Elize!"

Abel pulled his hand away and I looked up to see him pressing his lips together, suppressing a smile.

"Not funny," I muttered.

He looked away.

"Okay, Elize, come with me," she said and stood up. "Please excuse us, Abel," she said. He nodded.

I got up and followed her to the balcony.

"Look, Elize, I know you're sad about your father. I know you and I... we were never close but we have to be close, now. I have a company to handle and you have one that you will soon inherit and I know that you are capable of it because you have shown how good you are and I believe in you, completely. I think you need to believe in yourself, too. OK?"

"OK, ma," I murmured in response.

"Good. Now tell me more about Abel," she said.

"Well, um... he's nice." "I'm sure he is. How'd you meet him?"

"We were both returning from New York and..." "That long ago?" "Yes," I confirmed.

"Well, that disappoints me." "Sorry." "Well, um... I've seen his posters." I nodded. "Good that he's black too," she said, patting my shoulder. "Mom," I murmured. "What?"

"Nothing, you're just... so weird." She grinned. "Well, I'm black and you're half black and I don't mind any race but it's always nice, no?" "He's Ethiopian too," I informed her.

"Oh, that's... does he speak Ahmaric?" I nodded.

She smiled.

"Well, he seems nice enough. Does he take care of you?" "Yes," I said. "He doesn't... hit you or anything, right?" "No, ma," I told her.

"Good, he doesn't seem the type either." I shrugged.

"OK. Well, that's good then."

"Thank you, ma." "You're welcome, little one," she said.

"Ew." She grinned and hugged me.

"So, let's have dinner." I nodded.


You haven't seen the last of Mrs. Cross yet. Well, there's more to come in the next chapter.

I wrote this in a bit of a hurry. So... I hope you like it... *anticipates hell either way*

have my love


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