Chapter 13

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Elize was too busy trying to find a way to cope to notice that I was still there. I saw her, break down and bust out. I'd never been the witness rather than the fuckup in a meltdown. This was new.

It was shit because this was the girl, I loved more than life itself. I'd never loved before... Never truly loved before and had someone reciprocate. But she was so fucked right now, I probably didn't exist in her ideal world.

She was lying on her back on the couch, her head hanging off the side, smoking. She looked at the ceiling and I could still see that she was crying. She was tearing up and I wanted to hold her but she needed to be alone, well, I couldn't leave because... well, I wanted her to live.

"Abel," she said, and turned to look at me. She did know I was here. "Yeah, babe," I murmured. "Can we stay at your place?" She slurred. "Yeah, you don't even need to ask." She closed her eyes and I saw a tear escape her eyes. "Thank you."

I got up and walked to her. Taking the cigarette from her hand, I put it out and kneeled on the floor in front of her and caressed her face. She opened her eyes and they were red. "Abel," she whispered. "Mhm?" "Have you ever wanted to die?"

I blinked a couple of times, tried not to blurt out a stupid answer, took a couple of moments before answering. "Um... yeah," I said. She grinned. "I want to die right now," she said, in a muted voice. "And, leave me alone?" "You're not alone, Abel." "I will be if you go."

I kissed her throat before getting off the floor. "Get up, Elize," I said. She threw her hand up and I took it, helping her sit up. I sat down next to her on the couch. "Abel," she whispered. "Yeah?" "Don't love me." "What?"

"Stop loving me." "I can't." "But... I'm so... broken," she slurred. "So am I," I whispered, looking down at my hands. I wanted to cry, I actually fucking wanted to cry. I wanted to cry cause I felt her fucking pain.

I felt her kiss my cheek, her arms wrap themselves around me. "The Weeknd," she whispered. I smiled. "Yeah, I know." "I love you," she whispered, in my ear. "But I'm in love with you."

She kissed my neck before resting her head on my shoulder. "I got you."

We sat there for a while, saying nothing. I felt my mystery finally beginning to fade and she didn't shy away from Abel.

"Abel, can we go?" "Yeah, do you need to pack?" "No, I'm packed." "Sure?" "Yes." "Okay, let's go."

The drive there was silent. She touched me a lot, kissed me a lot, hugged me a lot. She needed some sort of reassurance. I hoped that I was giving it to her. "Boo," she whispered as we pulled into the lot. "Crazy," I muttered and kissed her lips.

"I know I am." "We are," I whispered, pushing her back to lie down on the seat. She giggled against my lips that were pressed on hers. Her hand was on the back of my neck, the other in my hair. "Let's go," I whispered. "Mhm."

The apartment was clean, I hoped. I hadn't been there in a while, so... I didn't remember. I opened the door and it was just fine. It smelt like phenol and other cleaning fluids. She put her bag near the door and closed it behind us. "I like your apartment," she whispered, putting her arms around me. "I love you," I whispered.

"You sound romantic, Abel. It's not you." "Who fucking cares?" I muttered, and kissed her. "I wouldn't know," she whispered.

Elize was still in her torn down mindset. Somehow, it wasn't... up to me to change it. "Do you want to eat?" I asked her. "Um... what?" "Food," I said, in an obvious way. She rolled her eyes at me. "What food, Abel?" "Whatever you want," I said. "Oh my god," she said and shook her head. "What?" "Nothing, nothing. I'll just... Can we eat after I shower?"

"Um... after we shower." She furrowed her brow and I kissed her again.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as the water cascaded over us. "I don't think we're making it out today," she whispered, her nails digging into my back as I thrust into her.

She was right to think that way. I didn't want to stop and she didn't seem to want me to stop either. Her nails trailed down my back, painting it.

Eventually, we stopped. The water got cold, we calmed down too and we walked out of the shower.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked her. "Um... pizza," she murmured. I smiled and looked away. Silly.

I don't have to remind you, where you belong...


Heya, folks. I might be a little late with the next update, the simple reason being that I'm leaving town for a couple of days to visit um... I guess, I can call them family.

I will try to update but, of course, it requires me to sit and write and I may not get an opportunity to do that. Hm... I hope I can update though. I feel better when I write to update. :p

I don't know why. So, I guess, don't ask. Anyway, I love you. I hope I can update sooner than I think I can.


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