Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

~Poseidon's Point of View

I had been listening to Amphitrite, she had been telling me about one of the ocean shelves being hammered into by the mortals again when I my brother Hades came into the throne room. It was rare for one to visit, and even rarer that Hades would. Inside the throne room was insulated with oxygen and air, for stray mortals that travelled too far into the depths needed to be questioned now. When the Greeks and the rest of the mortals believed in the greater forces stronger they would never have dared to come this close. But as they grew with time so did their curiosity. And that sometimes was a very dangerous thing.

Hades had a smirk on his face, one that could not be good for myself. "Brother come, the show is about to begin." He told me, still smirking, his eyes knowing. Hades knew something I did not, that was usually not in my favour either.

"What do you mean brother?" I asked, Amphitrite stayed quiet.
"Our children await, your daughter is fighting my son, it shall be a sight to see will it not?" This perked my interest, my daughter, Pela, against his son, very interesting. I turned my gaze to my wife, she nodded her consent. Her expression betrayed her, she didn't have any love for my half children, and she did not appreciate that I had left earlier to help Pela. Though she knew how important Pela was to me, especially with her prophecy, it was worrying and Pela needed to have an eye kept on her at all times.

I nodded to Hades and teleported to the throne room on Olympus. All the gods were here from what I could see, the main 12 on their thrones looking eagerly into the middle of the circle of thrones. I moved to mine as Hades did to his. I could see Apollo's worried expression, and Athena's battle face, she was already planning what the demi-gods should do and how to take each other down with the most force. Ares looked as though he was watching the best show, but to him it would be, the children of Gods fighting against one another was always a great entertainment to Ares, and the rest of us.

My attention was brought back to the middle, the war cry was sounded. My eyes were glued to Pela and Percy. How Percy warned Annabeth and how Pela used her slightness to get under and around her enemies. Athena tutted at her daughters words to Percy, whispering how she should have weighed all her options and use Percy as leverage, I growled and she went quiet again. I saw the Stoll boys, Hermes children, get cornered by Ares' daughter Clarisse. Ares looked smug at that and voiced how great his children were in fighting. I saw Pela launch herself at the girl, we all held our breath when Clarisse stabbed Pela with her electrified spear, Ares was quick to say that Pela should not have made such a stupid move, especially against one of his children. In that moment we all agreed.

When Clarisse hit the ground having an attack, the electric currents running through her body. None of us expected that, Ares threw out an outraged cry. Whether directed at my daughter or his was unknown. Pela looked up and directly into my eyes, I felt a shiver make its way down my spine.

Then when Annabeth fought with Pela my heart felt as though it would leap out of my chest. I fought the urge to teleport there and help Pela. She was too young to be going through this.

Then she told Annabeth about her being raped and everything went red for us all. A mortal laid their hands on a Gods daughter, that was a great offence, to us all. We went down and saw the looks on the demi-gods faces, many were outraged, and Percy had his sword unsheathed. We were all ready to go to war, we just needed the full story now.

That was going to be easy to get out of her. I hope

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