Chapter Four

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~Pela's Point of View

"Where did you learn that?" Percy yelled, excited and amazed, I had un-frozen him and hugged him after. It felt nice to know that I have family that is with me. "It came to me, a voice told me to use my bracelet." I explained unnervingly, Perce was starting to get scary with the look of glee on his face. When I mentioned the voice Percy smiled wider, to escape the creepy look I decided to look around, I saw Leo walking toward us, smiling his head off as well, but he was followed by the blonde girl Percy was staring at before and a couple of other people.

Percy looked at them as well, he smiled and waved at them all. When they arrived Percy decided to introduce us all. "Pela this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena," the blonde girl smiled and waved, "Clarisse the daughter of Ares," a slightly buff girl grunted at me, "Nico son of Hades," an emo looking boy smiled darkly at me,"And of course you know Leo and Grover, he is my protector and best friend." Said boy smiled kindly and my eyes travelled to his legs, or what should have been human legs but were goat like legs.

"So dearest brother you have made friends with our fathers enemies daughter, a daughter of Ares, who may I remind you is very dangerous and is the god of WAR, a son of Hades who has numerous of times tried to steal Zeus' throne and rules over the underworld, enslaved his current wife and has Hell hounds. And became friends of your protector who protects you even though you are capable yourself and also became friends of a son of Hephaestus, which may I remind you Hephaestus and Ares don't get along, so it is by some miracle that they are both here and haven't tried to kill each other yet. I commend you brother." I said smiling at their faces, slack jawed and unbelieving .

"You know your history. I give you that, and also you fight well." Annabeth said to me. I already didn't like her, she was too like her mother, and too smartish looking. "I am Annabeth, as well as Percy's girlfriend." When I heard that I almost fainted. "WHAT?!?" I yelled. I knew of Athena's and my fathers strong hatred for each other and I couldn't believe that they were allowed to be together. "That was some of our reactions." Leo mused. "How have they not been separated? Or removed or something? Our parents hate each other, and I mean serious hate. How did you get past that hate and get together?" I asked, I might need to know how to get my father to accept me being with someone, and he might not like him, so I need to know some tricks.

"They let us be after a while." Percy shrugged his shoulders, wrapping is arms around her waist and leaning his chin on her shoulder. Needing a distraction I decided to ask if I could swim in the lake, it looked peaceful and I needed to swim. "Can I go for a swim?" I asked Leo, deciding that I was ignoring my incompetent brother, he was dating the enemy. "Um, sure?" He said, glancing at Percy from the side, checking if he had approval from my brother. "Thanks" I told them and picked up my forgotten bag and searched for swimwear.

"Success!" I yelled and pulled out a navy blue bikini with red anchors and boat wheels, and a few frills here and there. 30268-713_2 "Your not wearing that." Percy said, I decided to temporarily stop ignoring him. "Why ever not?" I asked. "Because you are too young."

"I am 14 Percy, I will be fine. Plus you have your eye candy, be happy." I smirked at their bright red faces.

"But what about other boys." I looked at him, he really is stupid. "I am the daughter of POSEIDON, I will be in my element, I will be fine."

"I agree with Pela, she is able to handle herself and if it makes you so worried then go with her, problem solved." Leo offered, smiling at me. "But then what would I do?" asked Annabeth. "You can go train, run, read, make tools or take a nap, you need your beauty sleep." With that I linked my arm under Leo's and walked in the direction of the lake, hearing the others laughing and Percy trying to calm down his fuming girlfriend. This was going to be fun.

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