Chapter Seven

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For all of the people confused this is a new story but I didn't delete my last one"adopted by Greek gods" So just go to chapter 1 and re-read. Enjoy


~Poseidon's Point of View

I looked down at Pela, she was knocked out and I was walking her to the infirmary. Annabeth had knocked her out when she was distracted by Zeus, even I hadn't seen that coming. Athena had then restrained her daughter, scolding her, but we all saw the smile on her face. I had scowled to them both, she had stopped and they decided to attack her when she was distracted. That was a low blow, especially for the Goddess of Battle Tactics, a very low blow.

I could see the bruise on her neck start to form, it was quite large and was swelling quite badly. The others were following closely behind, only Zeus and Hades were in front of me, clearing the way for Pela and I.

After all these years of wanting to see her and when I finally get to she was fighting with Annabeth, and was winning mind you. But it would be in proper for a demi-god to kill another, and it might give others the wrong idea about what the camp is for. We all loved our children, and if they turned onto each other there would be no telling on what we Gods would do.

We arrived at the Infirmary, Hades led the way in and I lay her on a bed. She rest peacefully, no sign of discomfort, for now. When she woke up she would be feeling the pain from the fight and the sword. Apollo approached her bed, I growled at him, he rest a hand on my arm and gestured at her bruises. "I can heal them if you want, or the best I can." Apollo said. I nodded once, I still didn't like him touching her, the thought of some man touching my little girl sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine, they wouldn't live long after.

Percy and his friends bounded in, out of breath and red faced. "How is she?" he asked me, glancing nervously at his younger sister. Apollo looked up from her still body, "She will be okay, slight discomfort though. She did in fact fracture her right arm. I have no idea how she kept fighting, judging by the look of it it happened earlier in the fight." He stated. "But she seemed fine, she was fighting really well, better than she did with me. And at what looked like full strength." Percy informed Apollo.

After we all left, well the demi-gods did, they needed to rest and train. The rest of us stayed, Apollo was constantly checking on her, and when she would make an uncomfortable twitch or noise he would be by her side immediately and helping her into a more comfortable position. The next morning every one came back in and Apollo made another check up on her. I was staring into space, wondering how she got here and what Andrew had told me.

I heard a gasp and saw that Pela had woken up, and had seen Apollo looming over her, trying to look at the side of her head. Her arms shot forth and pushed him back a bit. She looked like a frightened animal as she scrambled back, falling off of the bed ungracefully to get away from him and into the side of the bed next to the one she was just occupying.

~Pela's Point of View

I woke up to a dull ache in my arms and a stinging pain on the back of my neck, and also to a man with golden hair and blue eyes looking at the side of my face, he also glowed. There was only one god that did that; Apollo. I pushed my arms up, ignoring the screaming pain in my right arm, and pushed him back just enough. I scrambled away from him, falling off of the bed I was on and into the other next to it.

I looked around and saw the gods I had seen before, before everything went black. My hand flew to the back of my neck, recalling the pain that had struck right before I fell unconscious. Apollo was the one who spoke first, "I need to look at your head, it has a couple of scrapes and cuts that I need to look at. And I will help with your arm and neck." He held a hand out to me. I looked at it, then to his face which now had furrowed brows and a look of confusion on his face as to why I hadn't grabbed it, or jumped with joy that he was willing to help me with my pains.

"I will not let you touch me." I told him, I heard laughter at that. "Looks like one indeed can resist your charm dear nephew." I saw a man with black curly locks and fiery eyes say. Apollo took his hand back and rest it at his side and moved back a bit, giving me some much needed space. I took a deep breathe and let it out, enjoying that I couldn't smell him now. I saw the man with dark locks approach me and held his hand out as well, "I am Hades, God of the Underworld, need some help?" he asked me, I grabbed his hand, surprising everyone in the room, including him.

He got over the initial shock and helped me to my feet. "Why accept my hand and not my nephews?" Hades asked me, letting my hand go and stepping back. I saw Percy, Nico, Clarisse, Leo, Grover and two boys I hadn't seen that looked similar, maybe brothers, and another that I would guess to be Apollo's son. They all moved a bit closer, whereas Percy came over and stood next to me, comforting me in his own way, knowing some how that I would want space.

"You have done me no wrong, you simply filter the dead, not purposely killing them. You have done some wrongs but I am in no place to judge. Whereas Apollo," I said looking at said God then turning back to Hades," has done me many wrongs." I informed him, Percy snickered next to me, he had heard this before, as had Leo, they both were trying to stiffle their laughter. Hades and the other gods looked intrigued, as well as their children. "Do tell." This time Hermes spoke, I could tell by his shoes, I had similar shoes on as well.

"He is the god of the Sun, he has given me multiple sunburns, some very serious, and never gives me the tan that I want. I have various different tans on my body, and they all differ in darkness. He is also the god of Truth, he hasn't sounded very truthful in the myths and legends. And also the god of the Arts, I am very bad at music, love to listen but I cannot play or sing for the life of me. And is also the god of Healing, he has yet to help heal those that develop cancer from HIS sun. That is how he has wronged me." I told them all.

"You judge him on the legends and myths." Accused the boy that looked like Apollo. "Are you only defending him because you are his son?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms, flinching at the pain in my arm. "And why is he not protecting and defending himself?" I inquired and looked and was surprised at what I saw. A blushing Apollo and a god glaring at him, and the others staring at him with a knowing look. "WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING?" I yelled at Apollo. The god that was glaring at him turned to me, his eyes softened when they landed on me "Because he has to answer for some things."

"What things?" I asked along with the chorus of the other demi-gods. "The only reason why you would get such tans is because of excessive staring, and lately he has been staring off into space. Now we know what was so fascinating." Mused Hades, looking very much entertained. "What do you-" My voice drifted and pieced everything together. He had been staring at me, why?

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