Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

~Percy's Point of View

I was nervous. Pela knew about our habits, and how we liked to be near water when we fought. She will almost definitely figure it out, then a fight would break out between her and Annabeth. Nico, Leo and Nyssa were here with us, Leo and Nyssa checking on the traps and Nico as extra protection. I told Annabeth that Pela would find us, she laughed me off and told me to stop worrying, that I was being 'my usual Seaweed Brained self'. For being Wise Girl, she isn't acting very wise lately. But tell her that and I will deny I ever said so.

I heard her before I saw her.

Pela was following the river to us, she figured it out. Just as I turned to tell Annabeth I was knocked out. Before every thing went black I saw a rush of water coming toward me to cushion the fall.

~Pela's Point of View

I saw Percy turn to tell Annabeth about me, so I panicked and threw a rock at the back of his head and sent water to help the fall and make sure he didn't suffer. What a nice sister I am.

I spotted Annabeth walking, more like pacing, near the flag, her sword in her hand and Nico also off to the side, but leaning against a tree looking around for danger and threats. Annabeth, Daughter of Athena, no major powers like water and stuff, only her smarts. And Nico, Son of Hades, Hades is the God of the Dead and Riches, he is either one of those. So no pressure, he can only probably summon a dead army to make sure I don't get the flag. No worries right?

I spotted Leo and Nyssa sitting down and making something, new traps was my guess. Looking around I could see where the traps were from my vantage point. I used some of the water from the lake to carry heavier rocks and twigs and things into the traps. Electricity, bear traps and others went off in bangs, alerting anyone near what and where we were. Annabeth, Nico, Leo and Nyssa jumped to attention. They all got up and looked around for what set the traps off, my water was retreating when Annabeth noticed it, and Percy's unconscious body.

"PELA! COME OUT!" Her voice rang through the previously quiet forest. Her sword raised and ready. I placed Kraken back onto my charm bracelet, pulling off a bow and arrows. I was never good at archery, I just needed a distraction. I drew the arrow and aimed for the space near Percy, far enough that it wouldn't get him, but close enough to bring out Annabeth's protectiveness that she had for my brother. I shot the arrow, it landed near Percy's head, inches away. Annabeth's face was overturned with worry, she was having an inner battle with herself, the flag or her boyfriend. I looked across to the other side of the river. Travis and Connor had caught up, they were hiding in the thrush.

I motioned to them, Connor noticed me first and told Travis. I gestured to Nyssa. If they got her out then they may be more worried. Nyssa was closest to them, and the furthest from me. They nodded and Travis did the same as me, her threw a rock at her head. My water was ready to catch her. She fell and landed with a small splash into the water waiting. Leo looked worried, but saw the water healing the back of her head. I motioned for Travis and Connor to move, their location had been locked onto. They disappeared from my sight almost immediately.

Leo moved to the space that held Trav and Con only moments before and told Annabeth that no one was there. Two down and three to go. I placed the weapons back on the bracelet and grabbed my trident. I jumped from my hiding place and into Leo's, Nico's and Annabeth's views. They all swung around and saw me. Leo and Nico's shoulders slumped slightly. They were happy it was me, but Annabeth charged immediately, I raised King, my trident up and blocked the attack.

"Why must you ruin everything Pela?" Annabeth spat at me."What do you mean?" I ask innocently " Always acting so perfect and innocent! You have no idea how cruel the world can be." She told me, all the while I was fighting with her.

I felt it, Nico was behind me. I swung around and my trident passed through thin air. Now he was next to me. He travelled through air, no shadows. Crap! Annabeth hit me, her sword cut through the bottom of my shirt, exposing some scars from the rocks and Daniel. Nico faltered when he saw them but Annabeth swung again, I backed up and hit someone. Leo. I heard people approach, but I had three people trying to hurt me so I didn't pay them any attention.

"You take Percy away from me! Always worrying about his little sister!" Every word was done with a swing from her, I dodged Nico and Annabeth. Leo had moved away from us, seemingly scared. But why? "Everything was fine! But you and your prophecy came into it!"

What was she talking about?

"You take my mothers throne! And Percy dies! Following you into battle." Tears leaked from her eyes.

Everything was so much clearer now. Why she hated me.

I kill my own brother.

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