Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

~Pela's Point of View

I stopped running, there was no point in running away from them now. I fear for the Gods mental health, only Apollo thought to use a means of transportation other than his legs or teleportation. Not even my father thought to use the water, and I am also surprised that none of the Gods thought to use their 'Godly' powers. Persephone I mean come on, she is the Goddess of Spring, use your damn growing powers and use plant roots to grab onto me or something. The Gods I have decided, have used their weapons for too long, they need to start up a routine and multi-task, use powers then weapons. The really need to polish up on their skills, REALLY need to polish up on them.

My father came up beside me in shining light, all the gods were soon surrounding me, weapons out and they looked even more furious and their faces were now slightly red. Zeus spoke first, "Why did you run?" His voice thundered through the forest, Percy was next to me, a silent confession that he was angry as well, but he was there to protect and be there for me if I needed. Since I didn't feel in a cooperative mood I decided to be stubborn and sarcastic.

"I ran because you all didn't look to be in a talkative mood, more of a 'lets-go-and-kill-something' mood I think." I answered in a voice dripping with sarcasm and venom. "Would you wait till angered Gods walked up to you, with their weapons out and unsheathed? While you are defenceless? That would be suicide, any sane mortal or demi-god would run." Hostility now seeped into my voice.

Zeus spoke, his tone of voice told me that he wasn't happy with me and was inches away from severely hurting me. "You are NOT defenceless, you have a bracelet with all our weapons at your disposal, and as you have proved you are also quite capable of handling yourself." Percy moved closer to me, sensing how close Zeus was to the edge. "And of course we would be angered, we were enjoying the battles and fights, and we then overhear that a mortal of all things has hurt a demi-god, worse still that the demi-god is a child of the big three." His lightning bolt cracked and sizzled as his anger became more apparent and over took his facial features.

"I did not know of my powers or even that I was a demi-god. Not even a hint of my heritage or what power I held. And I didn't have the knowledge of fighting then. I was a teenage girl and I was defenceless then." I spat back at him, my fathers hand came and rested on the small of my back, both a comfort and a warning.

"Tell us what happened." This time it was my father. His voice held anger and sadness. So I told them, everything.

I regret telling them, they became even more angered, my father more so, it was directed at himself. Then when I finished they all vanished into light, Hermes leading the way, speaking in Greek, it was Daniels location, as well as my friends, past friends.

I sent a silent prayer, to every god I knew, even the ones that left, that they would have mercy on them.

It was a lost cause, I could hear their screams from here.

Authors Note: Sorry that this took a little I longer than expected. But here it is, next chapter is when the Gods get their revenge, it may be quite gruesome so don't read it if you are squeamish. See you guys next time! Comments are always welcome!

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