Chapter One

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Chapter One

Percy Jackson and Leo Valdez found the unconscious girl on the floor outside the camp. They didn't know if it was a trap, they sent for Chiron, he came soon enough. He examined the outside of the camp without stepping out of it, when he had said that the coast was clear he walked, or trotted out of the barrier and picked up the young girl and carried her to the infirmary to have her checked. Leo and Percy followed close behind, worried about the young girl, and since she was allowed into the camp she was a demi-god. Now the important question came, Who was her godly parent?~Pela's Point of View

The first thing I saw was two boys staring at me. I opened my eyes groggily, it hurt to open them, I tried to move my arm, that worked fine, but my eyes really hurt. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in what seemed like a bed. I opened my eyes again and saw two boys staring at me, they had different hair, one had black and sea-green eyes, the other one had brownish coloured eyes and brown curly hair. The one with sea-green eyes had sun tan coloured skin, while the other had a Latino tan colour. Like he spent a lot of time in heat or a hot climate to put in better words.

I looked at them and stared back at them, they seemed to be studying me. Looking for some sort of clue. I decided to be polite and introduce myself, it was clear that they weren't. "My name is Pela Edwards. What is yours?" I asked them, properly sitting up now. They looked momentarily stunned, like they expected me not to be able to speak, or maybe it was my Australian accent.

The boy with brown eyes spoke first, smiling a bit, "My name is Leo Valdez."

The one with sea green eyes was next, "Sorry, my name is Percy, Percy Jackson."

I smiled back at the both of them, "Cool names, is your name short for something else Percy?" I asked him, it sounded very familiar to Perseus.

"No, its just Percy, well it is Perseus, but I like Percy, why do you ask?" He seemed genuinely curious and not mocking so I told him, you see not a lot of people knew of Greek mythology, and a lot though it as stupid.

"It sounds like Perseus, Zeus' son. I know it's silly." He smiled at me very widely, as did Leo, creepy dudes.

"So you like Greek Mythology?" Leo asked me, I held up my hand and jingled my wrist, it had my favourite bracelet. My bracelet was silver, with majority of the gods most famous weapons on it, like the lightning bolt, and my favourite the trident.

"My parents got it for me, they are most of the gods weapons." I told them, touching my bracelet fondly, it was one of my favourite gifts from them.

"Who's your favourite god?" Leo asked me.

And without hesitation I said, "Poseidon and Hephaestus." They were my favourite, they had strong wills, and I had a soft spot for Hephaestus because he protected his mother Hera, and got thrown off of Mount Olympus by his father. The both of them were seemingly happy with my response.

"But that's two." Percy pointed out.

"Well I like them both equally, Poseidon because I love water and the ocean, and Hephaestus because he is nice and can make things."

I was very defensive over my favourite gods. "Alright fair enough, who is your least favourite god or gods?" Leo asked me.

"Apollo, I despise him." Percy and Leo looked surprised at this comment.

"Why? What has he done wrong?" Percy asked me.

"I hate the sun, it gives me sunburn, never tans where I want, and I have different patches of tan on my body. I hate playing musical instruments, I really suck at it, I love listening though, and I can't sing. And prophecy's tell you how your life will end, and I want it to be a surprise. But I don't mind him being the god of healing, that scores him like one point. And he is the god of truth, he doesn't seem very truthful from the legends." My answer was reasonable, and they accepted it.

I only just noticed but I wasn't at home, or anywhere I knew. "Um, where am I?" I asked, the both of them laughed at my question.

"You only just noticed?" Percy taunted.

I smacked him upside the head, "Shut up." I glared at him playfully.

"Well you are in camp Half-blood, for demi-gods." A voice came from behind, I turned and saw a half man half horse. Dear Gods. It's a centaur!

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