Chapter Nine

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(I changed the book name to Daughter of Poseidon, instead of Poseidon little girl. I felt like it made her seem to sweet.)

~Enjoy (•_•)3

Chapter Nine

~Poseidon's Point of View

I growled at the thought of my little ocean, my Pela, being with Apollo or any of the gods. And especially not with a demi-god, trouble followed them all everywhere, even though she is one, she would be put into more danger, I couldn't let that happen. No one was good enough, and no one is going to ever be good enough for her, not while I was still alive, and I am an immortal.

I watched as she walked out with Aphrodite and Eros, her head hung in embarrassment, her cheeks aflame as well, muttering at how she was going to get back at Aphrodite and make it painful. Even going as far as threatening to dye her hair blue with seaweed green streaks, but had the opposite effect. Aphrodite had hugged her and thanked her for the idea, saying that it was unique and interesting and that she would love her to dye her hair for her. I still find Aphrodite strange when it came to her beauty, after all she was the goddess of Love and beauty, she would never be surpassed, but she still worried.

I turned back to Apollo, who had taken to glaring at the poor son of Hephaestus, who now had hair that was aflame and his friends trying to calm him down and put it out. "Now Apollo, I want the whole story." I said crossing my arms, enjoying the look of terror on the younger gods face.

~Pela's Point of View

I followed Aphrodite and Eros out of the Infirmary, hating that my cheeks were fire engine red and that I couldn't get it under control. We walked for some time till we came to a secluded place. I looked at them in confusion, "Dear we are going to travel to a salon of mine and that will enable us to talk about these matters privately." She said and grabbed my hand, Eros grabbing the other. I felt the urge to close my eyes, so I did. When I opened them I saw gold and roses, lots of gold and roses. The room was large, about as big as a house, the walls covered in gold and various curtains and what seemed paintings. And there was some furniture, mostly covered by roses.

I turned back to Aphrodite and Eros, raising an eyebrow at him. "I thought we were going to talk about this privately." I said, gesturing to her son. She merely laughed, as did he. "Darling he is my son, as well as a god of love, he is allowed to be here, and don't worry he keeps secrets well." Her words did not ease me one bit, in fact they made me more nervous, Eros was the god of Desire, and desire was a great power and could do dangerous things to people. And the way he was looking at me I could tell he could feel what he was doing to me. And it was not good.

We sat on the luxurious couches, Aphrodite on the one in front of me and Eros on one that was next to mine, still too close for comfort. "So do you have any immediate questions?" Aphrodite said, catching my attention from her glowing son. "What are these prophecies?" I asked, they were the most important, and most worrying. "Well there are many prophecies about you child, and no wonder, you are beautiful." I squirmed at that word, Apollo had called me that word, and that led to all this. "The main point though is that there will be a war, over who can own your heart, between gods and demi-gods alike. And we need to make sure that that doesn't happen, so we need to make your feelings clear earlier on."

This was a lot to process.

"As you are aware you have strong feelings for Leo. I admit he is a bit rough on the edges but he is a good catch. The problem is though that your father will never allow it, and other gods as they realise their feelings for you won't accept it. So we need to find a lover for you that is willing to go against even the gods and family." I nodded, my blush deepening at the thought of being someone's lover. "Now I have a few questions for you." She said, clicking her fingers, a clipboard and fancy pen appearing in her hands.

"Do you like the opposite gender or your own?" I was appalled at this question, don't get me wrong I don't mind gays and things but I had always been interested in guys.
"What is your type? Manly, jealous, over-protective, shy, loving, what?" This time it was Eros. I thought this question over. What would I want as a lover?

"Taller than myself, cropped hair, I don't mind curls or straight. I like auburn or brown hair. Any eye colour as long as it isn't blood shot or glazed over from alcohol." They both exchanged a glance at this, it was a strange taste, but I was happy as long as I knew he wasn't going to hurt me. "Muscular, medium nose, I don't like beak noses. Kind and caring and shy, but strong and courageous when he needs to be. A protector to me and those around, using his knowledge to help others as well. A leader, not a follower, that would cause complications judging by what you told me about those prophecies. Calm and controlling sometimes, I need someone to balance me out, take my childishness and be my rock. And he has to be smart, smarter than me but not in my face. And he has to be active, I hate lazy people."

Her eyes brightened and told me her results, "Well we can rule out any Athena children. As well as the Apollo children and he himself. Poseidon and his offspring due to him being your father. Most of Hermes cabin because they are just trouble makers like the god himself. Zeus and Dionysus are also crossed off. My children are off the list as well as myself and any female goddesses. Also Hades, you would hate the Underworld. I would say that we have a fair chance at finding your perfect match." She smiled at me and handed me some photos of boys. And on the top was Leo, these were my potential lovers, lets pray that they are attractive.

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