Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N ~ Two updates in one night!
~Pela's Point of View

One thought came to mind, and also out of my mouth. "I will not slay the Kraken." No filter between my brain and mouth apparently. Zeus looked enraged, my father looked sombre and the others looked indifferent. None knew who to back, their comrade or the God that they were taught was absolute. His absolute power was what took them onto his side, I heard several murmurs majority were complaining, one voiced it to me.

"You should be proud that you get a quest so young! Stop being stubborn and take it up or I will." It was a child of Ares, no surprise since they are usually hungering to spill some sort of blood, whether and enemies or another demi-gods.

I turned to look at them, "So you shall, take the blasted quest and enjoy yourself and while you are at it leave me alone!" I stormed from the practice grounds and to the cabin that I shared with Percy. I heard footsteps behind me, not the light footsteps of my brother, the thundering kind that belonged to my father.

I ignored him and walked straight into the cabin and swung myself into the hammock, picking up one of the many scattered novels from the floor. "I do not want to have this conversation, neither do you, so let the Ares brat take it and leave me alone, I am not in the mood." I spoke through the pages of the book, resting it onto my face to block the glare of the reflecting sun from the water that seemed to surround the cabin.

"We need to talk about this Pela. Only you can take the quest that tattoo says so." His voice spoke levels of sadness and grief, for the lost look on his face also told them.

"Fine, tell me of this tattoo."

Third Person

Poseidon took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he had to tell his daughter. He looked at the tattoo in anger, the cursed thing that could take away his daughter forever. "Pela it started like this-"

1000 years ago when Greek gods reign supreme

The young girl ran through the markets laughing, racing her siblings down to the coast line, their Mother chasing after them yelling for them to stop with a smile on her face. The girl's long black curly hair flew behind her like a cloak of midnight, her dress a magenta colour dirty at the hem from running in the muddy streets and a radiant smile adorning her olive skinned face. She was leading in the race, laughing and teasing her siblings as she ran, her elder brother catching up to her now, arms outstretched to grab the young she-devil.

A squeal rang through the busy markets as he caught her and ran with her slung over his shoulder. The girl waved at her siblings that ran behind them both, smiling and taunting them even more now that she wasn't put of breath.

The wind was knocked from her lungs as she was propelled through the air ad she landed noisily into the water of the ocean. Quickly resurfacing she yelled "Θα σας πάρει πίσ?!" (I will get you back!). Her siblings jumped into the water after her, still laughing at her misfortune of being fully clothed. Her smile hadn't been removed since that morning, still on her face, as bright as ever finally being in the ocean again.

~An hour later

The young girl had drifted far from the coast line and could hardly see the shore any more. But she could still hear the screams of her family calling her back, "Κολυμπήστε πίσ?!" (Swim back!) and "Γρήγορα!" (Quickly!) amongst them. She knew what they were worried about, the Kraken.

Old fables were told of the great Sea Monster, how it sank the Greek ships, ate men and most importantly never let any soul live if out past night fall.

Looking to the horizon she saw the Sun of Apollo dip frightfully low. She didn't have much time, and when that though passed though her mind the ocean around her was plunged into darkness. She was done for, she heard the wails of her Mother and others, "Όχι παιδί μου!" (Not my child!). And pleads for her life to be spared.

Then her leg was grabbed onto, it felt like a hand and she was pulled under the salty water.

If this has any errors let me know and I'll fix them :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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