Chapter Twenty

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Hey guys! Guess what?!? I know I haven't been updating and I have absolutely no excuse for that. I just became lazy but now I do have an excuse! I'm moving 😩😭💕! I'm so excited and for my fans this update is for you and thank you for still continuing to read this story!  Hope you enjoy 💕

Chapter Twenty

We hadn't seen any of the Gods for two days, since then I have had nightmares. Knowing what the Gods have gone through for me and because of me makes me uneasy, none of the other campers seemed to feel that way though. Percy went back to training as per usual, Annabeth went on giving lessons about our family's history to the younger campers. Nico just kept on disappearing and re-appearing when he felt like it. Leo went back to 'tinkering' as I had heard some of the others call it. It was as if nothing had changed, except the way they treated me now.

They all treated me differently, as though they were treading on egg shells around me. Percy sometimes just dazes into the distance and then glares at everything for the rest of the day, he had also been watching people that come near me as though they were going to hurt me. Annabeth had taken on the roll of the older sister and protecting me and had also decided to give me 'self-defence' lessons along with Clarisse, many pitied me for that fact alone. Clarisse was a new and another bodyguard, I couldn't escape with these three around me.

And Leo, he hadn't talked to me since then as well, silence came from him. He spent almost all his time with his siblings staying away from me. It hurt to say the least, and whenever we were alone together he would run, literally run away from me, I felt like crying when he did that the first time. It was a regular occurrence now.

Just when I though my day couldn't get any worse blinding lights came on, the Gods were back.

Those of us on the training grounds shielded our eyes from the light. When it disappeared there our parents stood, though I though that it was strange that they were wearing mortal clothing as they call it. My father was dressed in a suit, as were all the other Gods. The Goddesses were wearing flowing dresses that hugged their perfect frames and curves. By the time they all arrived the whole of Camp had arrived as well, Percy resumed his usual stance behind me, Clarisse on my right and Annabeth on my left. The three bodyguards I couldn't seem to get rid of. I am still unsure whether if that is a good or bad thing.

Zeus, Hades and my father were walking toward our strange group, my father looked worried and Hades had his usual smirk plastered onto his face and Zeus' eyes were trained on my right arm, right where the tattoo was. I rubbed my arm softly, it was still tender.

The Big Three stood in front of us and the other Gods and Goddesses were close behind them, all of them looking at my right arm, Clarisse shifted closer to me, seeing where they all were looking. Annabeth and Percy picked up on the movement and also shifter closer to me.

Zeus spoke to us, "The tattoo that you bear on your arm comes at a heavy price and a heavy burden. For now you are a warrior of the Seas and Ocean, a child of the Sea, and the holder of the Kraken." Dad shifted uncomfortably when Zeus spoke, it seemed as though this was a bad thing. "Now we give you your first quest. To slay a sea monster, the Kraken."

If this story has any type of errors let me know nicely and I'll fix them.

Daughter of Poseidon (Percy Jackson Fan-fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن