Saved by the bell

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"1:02 PM"

There's been an uneasy feeling in your gut since yesterday. Nothing seemed right. Helmet was sitting next to me as usual but we were the only ones here at the moment.

I'd been feeling rather agitated today. I couldn't figure out a program I had to use.

"Hey uh, do you know how to use this?" I decided to ask my co-worker.

"No." He said rather rudely. Not unexpected but still rude. Could've been nicer jeez. But I decided to move on to the next task.

"7:56 PM"

Not a single person besides us were here today. Odd but fine I guess. Helmet decided to leave a bit earlier than me, but I decided to not join him out. It was eerie being here alone. Maybe it was the lighting or yesterday who knows. Either way I wasn't excited to go home. As much as I liked the two people I had there, only one was none threatening. I seriously have to move out.

My shift finished and a wave of fatigue came over me. I was slightly stumbling around an alleyway. It was already dark out and the streetlights were dim.

I made it another few blocks until-

"Hey you! Old hag." I heard a young voice call out on the other end of the narrow street way.

"Huh..." I squinted to get a better look at who was yelling, and it was a kid. A high-schooler I think, either way he shouldn't be yelling at his elders like that.
The kid approached and a 2 others came out too. What's their deal?

"You shouldn't be talking that way to your elders." I didn't quite catch what they said after. They threw a punch, a slap or two... A huge rush of adrenaline pumped throughout my body. I was going to grab my defense tool from my pocket, but I was too annoyed to just not smack some sense into them.

The fight was pretty much a huge blur due to my drowsiness. But what I do remember was gaining my consciousness back after a bit. My fatigue went away the second I saw the 3 boys laying on the ground. No way I did that... But it was late, and the case was, some kids were missing from home. It wouldn't be long before the cops arrived looking for them. This didn't look good.

I tried to get up with all my left over strength but I guess they also got some good hits in. With several attempts made I was stuck laying on the ground. The attempted standing and failing wasn't doing it for me. I just decided to give up as a whole. As I lied in my pathetic state, a pair of legs were standing in front of me. I looked up to see...Moon-jo. He's everywhere I swear. This is so embarrassing, he's seeing me all beat up.

"Here." He gave me his hand trying to get me to stand. I grabbed it trying my best. Just as I managed-

Whee whoo
The cops were here.

"Ma'am! We're you involved with these kids I'm going to need you to hop in the car. You can bring your boyfriend along too!" 

I glanced at Moon-jo, who looked rather calm. Not shocking for him I guess though. But me, I was nervous as shit. I've never dealt with authorities before. Moon-jo noticed my worried expression and gripped my hand whilst rubbing it as a way to settle me down. It only worked because it was him.

We finally got to the nearby station. The kids were getting pampered by their mothers at a separate table. I was just fidgeting with my fingers anxiously, waiting for what was going to happen. Moonjo and I were separated for the time being which was fine. I didn't want him seeing me on the verge if tears trying to answer about what went down.

"So, we're going to start with the questioning. Who started it?" A short police officer asked. Her aura calmed me down for the time being.

"They did ma'am. I acted in self defense." I said. I'm literally a grown adult who had to fight off kids...oh my go-

"Oh, alrighty then! So the good news is there won't be as much of charge, but as you know, they are teenagers and you're an adult so there will be a fine." The officer looked at me apologetically.

"MY SON WOULD NEVER. SHE  STARTED IT, YOU CAN TELL BY JUST LOOKING AT HER." One of the mothers screaming at Moon-jo from across the station. He just stood there unfazed.

"Misd I'm sure there can be a way to work this out." He said smiling politely.

"No! Never. Look at my poor baby's face. There's no way." She shook her head.

"Money." Moonjo suggested, which seemed to catch her attention.

And just like that Moon-jo got me out of shit. I couldn't afford to spend all my money on a fine. So, I'm grateful but still wished he left me alone. I felt like a child having to settle things like this.

We walked out of the station and the officer from before followed behind.

"Hey! Uhm, if you have any issues again give me a call. Or just if you want to talk." She said kindly. "I'll see you again sometime. Bye! Oh, and bye to you sir!" She waved and took off.

"You're welcome, by the way. I'm just saying if you ever get messy, (or want to), I'll be here to clean up after." Moon-jo said.

"Get messy? Moon-jo I don't plan on getting in trouble again." I said trying to shut down the thought.

"You sure? You seem to really hate that one coworker of yours. Don't you want to...get rid of him."

"What are you talking about. Outside a police station too, you're going to be the one getting in trouble for talking about murder Moon-jo."
The thought scared me more than anything. I was too afraid of the consequences.

Moon-jo just stood there smirking.
"You're so...obeying. You shouldn't be afraid to get a little messy sometimes y'know. It let's you live a little. And like I said. I'll be here to clean up after you."
He started to slowly approach in an intimidating manner, backing me up against a wall.

"Did you not hear me the first time. I said no thank you. I appreciate you doing this for me the first time but I'm not going to murder someone."

"Mmm. It's your life."He shrugged. "But-shouldnt you enjoy it how you want. Without them stopping you?"

He was really trying to push this.

"Know what, I'm going to myself. See you later." He tried to hold his ground but gave up after seeing how uncomfortable I was.

"Bye, Y/N~" he said as if he won the discussion. You think you know him then you don't.

"10:55 PM"

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