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CONNOR STOLL CAME BY and barged into Eden's room.

"Bitch, what are you doing?" he asked her. She was curled up in the corner of her room that she'd stolen from Percy. He only had one corner, but considering he was missing, she had everything but his bed.

"I have a fucking headache!" Eden rolled her eyes. Whether it made her feel better or worse, she didn't know. "What'd'ya want?"

"What kinda fucking contraction is that?" he walked over to her, and, sure, his steps were really fucking loud, but when she looked up at him, he had aspirin and water in his hand.

"The hell is a contraction?" Eden took down the aspirin and the water, pouring the rest of the water on herself.

"I forgot you haven't done schooling in, like, fifty years," Connor rolled his eyes and sat down next to her, ignoring the water on the ground. "Anyway, wanna do something? I'm hella bored."

Eden nodded, looking down at their nails, which looked pretty disgusting. "Come on, let's ask Skye to get our nails done!"

Connor pursed his lips. "I did think about us matching nails yesterday . . ."

"Exactly! It's a match made in heaven!" Eden grinned at him. "Come on, we can get our nails done and then go to Bath and Body Works and we could buy something for Drew . . ."

He turned as red as the F's Eden used to get when she would actually go to school. "I told you, I'm not dating Drew!"

"You should," Eden got up, putting on her backpack and holding a hand out for Connor. "She's hot, and you could probably get into her hard exterior."

Connor's eyebrows wiggled weirdly. "Hard."

"Shut the fuck up." Eden took her hand back and walked to the door. "Let's go, you kinky freak."

"It's not my fault you're gay!" Connor's voice carried out just as Annie Bell and Perfect Jason passed by.

"Are you two going to the mall again?" Annie Bell asked, pretty used to it by now.

Eden and Connor nodded simultaneously.

Annie Bell threw Connor the keys. "Eat at the food court and don't commit arson," she said, as if it was a routine. "Or I'll finally get back at you for the spiders."

Connor saluted her. "Yes, ma'am!"

They quickly ran off, snickering at each other.

"Why'd she have the keys?" he asked.

Eden shrugged. "Probably went to the Big House."

"No duh," Connor rolled his eyes. Going up to the SUV, Eden noticed that it was in the same place as last time. She hopped in the passenger seat and connected her phone to play some music.

She looked out the window and thought about the car. Chiron must've put this here in case they wanted to go out again. He probably hid the keys in the Big House but Annabeth probably found them. Considering what Eden, Connor, and Travis did the last time they went out ( nearly getting caught after burning a simplistic small but big corporate building ) and then crashing the car in Thalia's tree ( Eden hadn't told Thalia yet, whoopsie ) earning them three weeks in KP, she thought that they weren't allowed to get in this fucking car again.

Oh, the things that insomnia and horrible night terrors did for Eden. She was allowed to commit arson on the daily!

Connor drove the car down the hill, nearly fucking murdering the both of them as they sped along the road right below the speed limit. Eden's sunglasses were on as a car honked at them. She opened her window and put up her middle finger.

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