Aromantic problems

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"He's so sweet!" My friend giggles over her crush often. He has her like a puppet on strings.

"Yeah cool!"

"Ava! Are you even listening?"
But me? Kissing and cuddles and I love yous from some boy sounds a little... weird to me. I've never felt many butterflies, I thought I might have been heartless but I'm not! I love my family and friends! I just don't feel romantic feelings. I hate when people say 'Humans are supposed to fall in love!' Or 'You're heartless!' Because no, not every human falls in love! And I love the ones that have helped me throughout my life, they all mean everything to me.
I am not heartless.
I am human.

Hope you liked this oneshot, I was somewhere in the aromantic tag... without making anything aromantic yet... soooo- Here you lovely little aromatics, you are cool people to hang out with as a greyromantic myself. (Update: I'm demi romantic now that I think about it lol I hate being confused)

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