Chapter 8

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When she woke up, Percy's arm was wrapped around her gently, so Alison just looked at his face and thought, "This is not your friend."

"I can't do this. I can't think of him as a friend anymore. I can't just... deny that I love him..." Alison was panicking. She caressed Percy's face and realized that she was getting worked up over nothing. She gently moved Percy's arm and walked to get a cup of coffee. As soon as she got up, Percy woke up and smiled when he saw Alison in her morning beauty. As the coffee machine was brewing, Percy hugged Alison from behind and kissed her. Alison blushed and held his hands, smiling as he hugged her. She got him coffee, too.

When the coffee was ready, Alison grabbed two cups and gave a reasonable amount of espresso with cream. Percy thanked her for the coffee. Her smile widened. "Would you go out with me?" Percy asked. Alison looked at him and nodded. "I would love to..." Alison replied. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door. "Honey, you home?" It was Alison's father. Percy watched as Alison opened the door to reveal a man in his mid to late 60s or 70s. Percy had been wondering what her father looked like. As soon as her father noticed him looking, he whispered. "Who is he and why is he here?"

"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Percy," Alison explained. "Your... what?" Her father looked at her, confused. "We're dating," Alison told him. "You have a boyfriend?!" her father exclaimed. "Dad, please don't freak out as you did with meeting Joel's boyfriend..." Her dad took a deep breath and hugged her and congratulated her on her taste in men. "Thank you for not falling for a scrub, Alison." her father said, jokingly."Dad, you're so funny." Alison laughed, though he was completely quiet. Percy softly chuckled and Alison smiled upon hearing him. 

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