Chapter 11

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"Your mom sounds nice," Alison smiled while saying that. Percy nodded. "She is really nice...". Alison cried when she remembered her mother's voice. Her mother was a beautiful young woman, and she loved Alison with her whole being. Her mother didn't have a mean bone in her body. She wouldn't say anything that didn't sound honest, and she would always put others first. She was just very much an angel. Alison's maternal grandfather, George, was an abusive father with a prostitute for a wife. Her grandfather wanted sons but got a daughter. Her mother, Joan, was a negligent mother who always had clients come home with her, even though she was supposed to be taking care of the kids.

Alison was known to be more like her mother. a kind-hearted, loving human being who only wanted to help. she always believed that everyone had a good side and that there was good in everyone. She was always willing to help, even when it got hard. Alison's mother always wanted what was best for her and reminded her every day that she loved her. Then one day, her mom's drug dealer came around asking to get high, she refused and he went ballistic and raped her, to cover his tracks, he put heroin in her body to make it seem like an overdose. As soon as Alison got home, he went on his knees and told her everything. It was a nightmare that Alison could not forget...

Upon hearing this story, Percy embraced her and told her that he will always be there for her. She teared up at his words and he caressed her cheek with his hand. He kissed her and she smiled.

Eight months later, they moved in together. They went to her brother's wedding and drove down to Arizona to see Percy's family. When they got home they snuggled up on the couch and watched movies together. 

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