Chapter 15

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After about 8.5 months, Alison went with Percy to have an ultrasound, the gynecologist(I think those are the people who do that, correct me if I'm wrong) checked and asked if they wanted to know the gender, Both Percy and Alison both nodded and it was revealed that they were having a baby boy.

They already planned a baby name, so they were excited, and Alison was a bit nervous after hearing about the birthing process. On the due date, Alison started her day normal, and then while she was making a milkshake, her water broke.

"Percy! The baby boy has decided to come out!"

Percy bolted up and grabbed Alison, putting her in the car gently, and sped to the hospital. As soon as they got there, he told the receptionist that her water broke and that she needed medical assistance. The receptionist nodded and called one of the midwives, a woman in her mid to late 40s came around. She got Alison to a hospital room and explained what they were going to do. As she was about to finish talking, Alison went into labor.

Percy held Alison's hand as she was pushing the baby out. And when the baby came out after half an hour, Alison held the baby who they affectionately named Alexander Salvatore Morris. "He's so precious," Alison commented.

They had another son about 3 minutes later, a small, sickly boy who they named Lloyd Ian Morris, Lloyd was so small and quiet, Percy gave Lloyd a kiss on the head. They all went to the NICU, doctors, and nurses explained that Lloyd would be treated for his illness.

They then sat in the waiting room, worrying about Lloyd, Percy soothed Alison, and they prayed that their younger son would be okay. They stayed in a hospital room with Lloyd and after 6 months, Lloyd was healthy enough to go home, and the twin boys were together at last. 

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