Chapter 11

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"Let me get this straight. You accidentally traveled to the hereafter, encountered a weird horned druid, a reaper, a myriad of shades, and a giant snake," Alex said, still waiting for the punchline.

"That about sums it up, though you forgot I also met the spirit of Crann Eolais."

"Yes, silly me. How could I forget that?" Alex muttered, fighting off the impulse to pull his hair. "Does anything you do entail something cute and fluffy like bunnies?"

Like on cue, Coney jumped up on the bed, wrinkling his nose at Alex.

"Nevermind, what about Denesha?" Alex asked.

"Oh, she was mad. I think she was ready to ground me for life. She kept wondering how I have been able to survive until now with my luck," Blake answered, rubbing his ear like he had phantom pains.

"I have to agree with her, this is just insane."

"What about you? You were also attacked," Blake pouted, and Alex rolled his eyes.

"Once, you keep drawing trouble to you like a magnet."

"Nevermind that! I wonder what that druid meant by me standing in the dark spot. The spirit of Crann Eolais said I should heed his words."

"You said it was a spot where nothing grew, the earth was black?" Alex asked, feeling an unpleasant shudder run through him at the memory of the entrance of the temple he and Hadrien had ventured into a month ago. It couldn't be that place.

"You know of it," Blake said, leaning closer, eyes wide and expression eager. Alex turned his gaze away, remembering that Ahriman didn't want the place known.

"I do, I have been there. It is a bad place and you should avoid it."


"People died there, and dark magic taints the place," Alex finally forced his eyes to meet Blake's. "Besides, Ahriman has closed of the temple-"


"Yes, an old one. Built by a cult who worships Zarazen, the archon of taint. He created dark magic. They killed people down there. Ahriman didn't want anybody to know."

"And still you told me."

"Because I don't trust Ahriman. The guy has far too many secrets besides, I know you. You will try and find the place and now at least I can say that I warned you, " Alex said, grinning when Blake pouted. His friend was truly a magnet for trouble. Half of them were caused by himself.


Walking over the field, Jaxon shuddered. The air had started to grow colder and the field, though still green, was hard from the morning frost. Several of the players were chatting cheerily, joking and hollering at the girls who just ignored them.

At the corner stood a strange couple, Ronan stood talking to Ahriman. That combination made him nervous and Nightmane agreed. It didn't help when Blake suddenly went up to them with Coney in his arms. The boy between the two men with big eyes before the green emeralds turned to him, making it obvious who they were talking about.

With a frown plastered onto Jaxon's face, he tried to sneak closer but was hit with a wall of air. Falling back, he rubbed his nose and looked over at the trio. Blake looked ecstatic; his eyes gleaming as he showed off his new spell. Jaxon would be angry but the happy smile on Blake's face ensured that he only huffed in pretend annoyance before standing up and walking over to Aeron and Haley, standing there laughing their asses off.

"It is not easy to eavesdrop when your boyfriend is a witch," Aeron said slapping Jaxon over the back.

"Tell me that isn't suspicious!" Jaxon grumbled nodding at the strange trio.

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