15. You look terrible

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You wake up like every other morning, the sun was bright, the birds were singing but it wasn't special to you, these things didn't make you happy it was Chris who did, but that didn't matter he was leaving in two days. It felt wired you had known him for two weeks but you felt so attached to him like you had known him you whole life, he fitted so well in you life. He was the perfect puzzle piece.

You snap out of your thoughts, you look over at your clock- it was two o'clock. You were
Not in the mood to do anything, first you went out on runs, read books, baked, painted you really had your life together, but after Chris things were really messed up.  You knew you should have never hocked up with James that's your biggest mistake yet.

You remember it was Bella and Maria's wedding.

You hadn't bought any gifts for them.

As you just lay in bed thinking a knock on your door pulled you out of bed.

You get up unbothered by the way you look, you open the door- it's Juliana

"Ohh Y/n you look terrible" she says letting her self in.

"Yeah thanks. You look great too. Come on in" you say sarcastically as you itch your messy hair.

"Are you sick ?" She asks you sitting down on your messy couch with bunch of clean laundry you hadn't folded yet.

"Nope" you answer getting your self a glass of water "want something to drink ?" You ask

She doesn't answer "what happened in here. It's a mess" she complains, she was like a mother-friend to you.

"I've just been busy" you answer sitting across from her.

You look at Juliana as she's folding the clean laundry "busy with Chris ?" She ask

"No thinks didn't work out" you say looking down "plus he's leaving in two days..... I've lost hope" you tell her

"Don't You Dare Say That !" Juliana yells "do you even know how me and Mario met ?" She asks. You shake your head innocently no. "Mario and I first met in are boarding school back in England, his parents had sent him to England for better studies, and I just lived there in England. From the age of 13 he and I were best friends, later at the age of 15 he moved back to Italy- we never got to say goodbye. But let me tell you I never lost hope I knew we would find each other again"

"How did you guys find each other ?" You ask interested in the story.

"Well I never forgot his beautiful smile and that Italian accent. I came from a wealthy family, and every year for my birthday I would ask for a trip to Italy in different little towns just to look for him. On my 23 birthday I found him he worked with his dad in the little corner shop here in this town. I thought Mario wouldn't recognise me, but he did, he remembered every single detail of me"

"And what you left everything for him ?" You ask

She nods

"Would he leave everything for you ?" You ask. It was kind of the same situation with you and Chris you both wanted to be together but weren't willing to leave everything for one an other.

"Yes he was, but I decided to leave everything because I fell in love with not just him but this town" she finishes folding all the laundry "don't give up on him" Juliana tells you. "If you guys are meant to be you will find a way back to each other" Juliana gets up giving you a hug. "Oh look at the time !..... I have to get ready for Bella's wedding" Juliana runs out the house "see you later !" She scream as she runs away

You shake your head and laugh. For an old lady she could run.

You go and take a quick shower the find something fancy to wear for the wedding.

You found a dark navy blue dress it was long and silky you never wore it because James always said that blue didn't suit you, which was not true.

You lightly brushed your shiny hair and put on some makeup.

You were finally ready but you still hadn't gotten them a gift.

You decided to make a quick stop at an jewellery shop to buy both of the brides a nice bracelet or something.

You walk in and start looking around when you stop at the sight of Chris he was looking at some necklaces, you quickly turn around to get out of the shop but dodger barked then ran up to you, making Chris look at you and the dog.

"Hi dodger" you get down and scratch him behind the ear. You tried not to look up at Chris.

"He really missed you......and so did I" Chris speaks unclearly and nervously.

You look up at him then stand up, still needing to tilt your head slightly up just so you could look him in his ocean blue eyes and also because he was way taller then you.

"What are you doing here ?" Chris ask making things less awkward between you two

"Buying a gift. I'm going to Bella and Maria's wedding" you tell him.

"Well that explains why you look so beautiful...I mean you always look beautiful, with or without a dress not that I'm saying I've seen you naked-" he speaks nervously stuttering after each word

"I get it, Thank you" you smile lightly, you bite the inside of your cheek trying to hide a bigger smile. 

He nods.

"I-I should get going. Enjoy the wedding" Chris takes the small bag with the necklace he had bought "dodger come here boy" Chris whistles

As Chris is leaving you got the urge to tell him something

"I would leave everything for you" you tell him he turns round looking at you

"What ?" Chris was confused

"Yeah if we would have worked out I would leave everything for you. Would you do the same ?" You ask

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