Night 5(Part 2)

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SCREEEE "AHH SKY FUCKING HELP ME!!!" Bash screams as Jerome grabs hold of his delicious(lol wut)green leg that was filled with the red juicy flesh(wtf, cerberus😂). "UH HOLD ON," Sky runs over to the fan and picks it up violently. He then proceeds to roughly slam the fan against Jerome's head where the battery was. "DON'T. FUCKING. HURT. MY. BEST. FRIEND. GAHH," he screams, repeatedly hitting the fan against Jerome. After what seemed like ten minutes of fan-slamming(wut), Jerome finally falls to the ground, not moving a single limb anymore.

"WOOHOO!! YEAH WE DID IT, MAN. HIGH-FIVE. C'MON, DON'T LEAVE ME HANGI-" "WE? WE?! YOU MEAN I DID IT!! YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BUT SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE SISSY GIRL. I TOLD YOU TO GO HOME BUT DID YOU LISTEN? NO! NO YOU DIDN'T! NOW LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED! YOU NEARLY GOT YOUR HEAD RIPPED OFF BY SOME SORT OF RABID CHEWBACCA. NOW FOR THE LAST TIME BASH. GO. HOME," Sky yells. Bash looked shocked but at the same time angry. "WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE BEEN TRYING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND LATELY, ALWAYS BEING BY YOUR SIDE AND COMFORTING YOU WHEN YOU CRIED. AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME? FOR ALL THE GODDAMN FUCKING THINGS I'VE DONE FOR YOU!!" Bash starts to tear up at how his best friend was treating him. What was he? Some sort of abandoned dog that nobody wanted? He was tired of Sky treating him like chopped liver. He was the only thing that Bash cared about. "I AM SICK OF BEING THROWN AROUND AND YELLED AT. WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU, BESIDES BE YOUR ONLY FRIEND WHEN YOU WERE A KID, SKY?" "YOU WERE NOT MY ONLY FRIEND, BASH." "YEAH? WELL THEN WHY WERE YOU SITTING ON A SWING ALL ALONE BEFORE I MET YOU? HM? YOU TELL ME WHY," Sky couldn't take it. He shoves Bash onto the wall and tackles him. "AW YEAH?" Bash growls and pushes Sky onto the floor. He jumps onto him, sending a tremendous amount of pain through Sky's stomach. He recovers and flips Bash over so he was on his back. For the next few minutes, Bash and Sky were rolling on the floor, punching, kicking, biting and pulling like a couple of wolves fighting for their territory. "THAT'S IT!!!" Sky shouts and punches Bash's mouth the hardest he could ever, knocking him out.

Panting, Sky gets up and looks at Bash, with blood flowing out of his nose and bruises all over his body. "Bash?" Sky calls. No respond. "Bash!" he calls louder. Bash does nothing. "No... No!! No! Bash! Bash, buddy I'm sorry! Please, please don't leave me buddy, no! Please! Get up! Say something! Punch me! KICK ME IN THE NUTS JUST DON'T GO NOW!!" Sky sobs. Bash... wasn't going to wake up.

It was five am. Sky was still sobbing over Bash's death. At the same time, doing his duty and keeping the animatronics away. Why? he thought. Why did I do this? I'm a monster! I killed my own best friend! The one I cared about most! I'm sorry Bash. I truly am! But saying sorry, won't bring back his best friend.

Ok I literally cried while writing this. I CANT BELIEVE OUR FAVORITE MELON IS... DEAD?!?! WHAT WILL HAPLEN NEXT??

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