Son of a Mitch(Third night)

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Ok first of all, I love all of u guys. Thanks for 300 reads. Second, Ty is the most hostile(at least supposed to be) because he's the LEADER of Team Crafted, and so is Freddy Fazbear. Ian was supposed to be the derpy one that doesn't know what he's really doing. Ok? Ok good u understand.

Um, hello? Hi! Uh... I have great news for you! Mitch the panther had been fixed! That's one less thing to worry about! Yipee!" Jason says to Sky through the phone. "Oh the fucking joy..." he groans and continues to listen. "He's always been my favorite. He used to walk around and run after the kids, playing tag with them too. And then there was the... The bite of 87'." "Wait, what?! What bite?!" "Basically, he was playing tag with the kids one day and he glitched and fell on one and bit her frontal lobe out. She survived, but suffered major injuries. Ever since, the animatronics haven't been allowed to walk around. Now, he's good as new! But he still isn't allowed to walk around. Instead, he's going to be telling stories about his, uh, 'hunger games' experiences. And I'm sure the kids'll enjoy it! Well, I'll see you tomorrow! Goodnight!" "Well this is fan-fucking-tastic! It's night 3, my arm was almost ripped off by a purple mental robot chicken, and I HAVE 2 MORE NIGHTS TO SUFFER!!!" Sky screams. "Once there was a very clumsy endo-skeleton that wondered into the battle-arena and interrupted the hunger games match. So, I found it and gently placed it back into its suit.... the end," a voice says. Mitch. Sky looks at the camera once again. Mitch could then be seen running down the hall trying to get into the office. "NO!!" He shouts and closes the door. "I-it's m-m-me-e!!! I-I'm g-go-gonna get-getcha!!!" Mitch says and hits the door. Sky remembered that before the bite of 87, Mitch used to say that when he was playing tag with the kids.

It was 5 am. One more hour to go and Sky was starving. "Man, I'm thinking of eating that mentally collapsed bird back there," he groans. Then he hears a loud demonic laugh. "Huh?! How come I didn't hear that last night?" He looks at the cameras and sees two glowing eyes staring at him in the kitchen. "Who the fuck are you, mister, I-don't-appear-on-the-previous-nights-because-you-can't-fucking-tame-me?!" Sky asks out loud. He then recalls when he was close to dying the previous night. "Oh, you're Ty the wolf. The one that played 'Sugar plum happy' music when I was gonna DIE!!" Ty just keeps staring and the camera blacks out. "What..." Sky panics while looking for the wolf. He was one minute away from making it through the night when Mitch then comes running into the office. "SCREEEEEE!!!!" "AAHHHHH!!! FUCK OFF!!" He throws his coffee on Mitch. Then he starts to glitch out and eventually falls onto the ground, sparks flying out of him and his arms and legs having seizures. "So long mother fucker," Sky kicks him and runs off into the darkness of six am. Lol

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