First Night

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"Alright, Sky. Here is your camera. I will need you to check them frequently to see where the animatronics are. My ex-night guard, Jason will tell you more. He's left a voice message for you so, good luck!" Quentin says to Sky, who is pretty creeped out. Sky is led to the security room where he is left for the night.

Ring ring. "Hello... Erm, hello? Well, if you're hearing this then, I should probably give you the staff introduction. Ahem, welcome to Team Crafted's Pizza, a place where children, as well as adults have fun. Um, so let's get straight into the animatronics. So, uh, the robots are left at some sort of free-roaming mode at night, or their servo-monitors will lock. But here's the serious part, if the robots happen to see you, they'll probably view you as a endoskeleton without its costume on. And they could, uh, kind of... try and stuff you into a animal suit." Sky's eyes widen. Bashur wasn't lying! He continues listening to the message. "Yeah, so you might want to check those cameras and see where those animatronics are from time to time. Um. So, only close those doors when absolutely necessary. Also, if those robots aren't in sight, activate the lights, and see if they're there. Um, so the manager'll see you in the morning. Save up your battery. Uh, check those cameras, and goodbye." Sky starts to shiver. "Goodbye?!" he screams. "If only I had listened to Bash..." he whimpers.

He views the camera and sees that one of the robots missing. "Which one was the raccoon again?!" Sky thinks to himself. "Wheezzeeeeh..." A robotic voice echoes down the hallway. He looks at the camera and sees a raccoon-like shadow down the hallway. "Oh hello, bitch," he whispers. Then, the camera goes pitch black. He gasps and checks the left light. "H-h-e-e-ey k-k-ki-i-ds-s-s. C-co-m-me o-on-n d-d-do-own t-to T-Ty-l-le-r-r's t-tun-nell t-t-tub-bes f-f-fo-r s-some f-a-nt-tab-ulous-s f-fu-un!" The raccoon in a plaid shirt and glasses screeches. "Bye!" Sky screams as he shuts the door. Hunger games, I wanna win I'll win it all. Sky gets confused and then immediately recognizes the song from his childhood. Mitch used to sing it while the kids played his arcade game 'Mitch's Hunger Game Mania'. He checks the closed area in the arcade and sees Mitch's white whiskers, black snout and pink nose peeking out.

"This is some real shit..." Sky trembles. He checks the left light again. No shadow. He opens it and double checks. Tyler was gone. By now it was only about 3 am and he only had 46% left. "H-hi k-kid-ds! It-t's me-e! S-Seto th-the R-rav-ven!" Seto's voice echoes through the building. "Nope, nope, nope!" Sky shuts the right door and goes back to the camera.

After what had seemed like forever, his shift was over, and he dashed out of the pizzeria, meeting Quentin at the door. "Hello Sky. In a rush?" he asks. "Fuck you man! I quit!" Sky shouts as he shoves his cap to Quentin. "Tsk, tsk, kids. No manners these days. Did you read the contract you signed?" "What? No," Sky says, confused. "It states that you need to work for at least five nights before quitting," Quentin chuckles. "Uuhh... five nights...? Are you crazy?!" "Maybe." "I can't stay in this death trap for five nights!" "Rules, Sky, rules." Sky stares at Quentin, looking like he was about to murder him using a chainsaw. "Sorry, Sky. But that's what you have to do before quitting."

Five Nights at Team Crafted'sWhere stories live. Discover now